18. Destiny

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'Elijah had been discharged from the hospital yesterday. He will come to the classes starting tomorrow'

I read the text message from Clint for the 8th time. I was very happy to know that Elijah had been conscious and getting better but, the news that he will be attending classes tomorrow, panicked me. How could i ever look at his face? I had been dying and killing myself emotionally from the day i knew that he was in coma and i prayed each and every day so that he could be normal again. And now, he is. My eyes teared up when i knew that he was okay. I wanted to hug him for a very long time and admit that i love him. But, i could never do that. The guilty feeling is actually winning at this point rather than my love towards him. Who knows? His parents could be hating me for making their son suffered for my own mistake. Even, Elijah could be hating me right now. After all, he deserved someone better than me. Someone who could protect and love him at the same time. I sighed, thinking what should do now.

I have to run away. Yes. That is the only solution. This idea might make me looks coward but i had no other choice. I have to get away somewhere, away from people and making time for myself to think about me. I quickly packed my things without thinking whether my decision was correct or not. All i wanted that time was to get away.


Elijah's pov:

"Take care, Elijah. Call me after you finished your classes" my mom said her goodbye and drove off to her work. Since i came back from the hospital, i was living at my parents' house. My parents were taking care of me since i needed extra care and wouldn't left me alone even for a second. The good thing from my accident was i could see my parents  became closer and they communicate more on the daily basis and they never bring up the divorce so far.

I waved to my mom with one hand as my other hand had a arm sling due to the shoulder fracture and started to walk slowly. I could still feel a little bit pain in my legs so the doctor advised me to not walk fast or run. My shoulder was tapped by someone and i turned around to see Clint and Eleanor.

"Hey, buddy" Clint said while hugging me. Eleanor hugged me too. I hugged them back with a huge smile. It was good to see someone familiar after so long being in hospital.

"How are you feeling?" Eleanor asked.

"Never better" i said while grinning. And then, the three of us started to walk our class. The first thing i did upon entering the class was finding Tasha. My eyes searched her at every corner of the class but she was not there. I sighed sadly and took a seat.

"Where is she?" i said quietly. Eleanor and Clint looked around to find Tasha and they looked at each other, talking with their eyes.

"Hmm, i think she didn't come to class today. Don't worry, she will be here tomorrow" Eleanor tried to convince me.

"Are you sure? Does she know that i am here today?" i took a deep breath and exhaled. The minute i knew Tasha was not there, i felt so down and disappointed. I was really hoping to see her there.

"Yes. I texted her" Clint replied.

"Do you think she is avoiding me too?" i asked while looking down.

"Um, no. I don't think so" Eleanor chuckled nervously. I was quite after that because i really didn't know what to tell. I miss her a lot. I thought she would be here, waiting to hug and kiss me. I texted her a few times, still hoping she would reply me. The rest of the class went pretty fast and my mom came to fetch me up.

The rest of the car ride was silent. There was only the sound of my mother's voice, asking me how the classes went today and do i feel better. I replied with just nod. My mind was too distracted with Tasha and the things she could possibly do to herself. What if i lose her? I can't live a life without her. She was there when i needed help to get through the news of my parents getting divorce. She was daring enough to agree with my stupid plan of going into a haunted building. She was the reason why i always excited to attend the classes. Its because i could see her and together, we will make fun of the lectures. She was my partner for almost every project and we always work together. She helped me to smile each and everyday. That girl completes me. What would i do if she just gone from my life? Can i ever forget her? How could i forget her beautiful smile, her annoying face whenever i made stupid comments, the way she got jealous instantaneously when i talked with my ex, the way she adviced me that everything going to be fine, the nights we spent walking together while holding each other hands, the days where we will just sat at the balcony staring at each other eyes and there are a lot more stuffs which i couldn't simply get rid off.
I sighed and looking out of the window.

"Is everything okay, honey? You look a bit distressed?" my mom suddenly asked.

"Um.. im good, mom" i replied quietly, still looking at outside.

"Elijah.." she took a deep breath before she continued saying "I knew what is bothering you. Its Tasha. Look, im not mad at her or something, but if she wanted to see you, then she will. But, clearly she is avoiding you. I mean, she didn't visit you at all or even reply you for once. You have to stop thinking about her, hon. For now, the most important thing is your health. The doctor said you still needed extra care and you shouldn't be stress. You are not completely okay yet, Eli. I wanted you to only focus on your health now. Im not saying that you have to forget Tasha, just.. she is not your main priority right now. Your health is. Can you promise me to do that? After all, i believe in destiny. So, if Tasha is the right girl for you, she will come back to you no matter what happen. But as for now, my baby's health is way more important to me" she stroked my hair a little bit.

I smiled weakly at her and nodded softly. She told me what every other mother will tell to their children in my situation. She was not entirely right, but she was also not wrong.

Destiny. I do believe in it. So if Tasha is meant to be mine, then she would be one day.


It had been a week. Tasha was still not coming to the classes. I was starting to get worried of her. What if she did something bad to herself? Tasha is now in a vulnerable position and anything could happen. Why is she doing this to me? First, she never visit me at all at the hospital, she didn't reply my calls or texts, she didn't come to the classes and now, she is making me worried of her. If anyone can be mad at someone else now, then it should be me. Not her. I had the rights to be mad on her for avoiding me completely. But, i decided to not jump into any conclusions. I have to hear her points as well. And, honestly, i love that girl. How could i be mad at her ?

"She is absent too today?" Clint grunted while sitting beside me. I just nodded softly.

"What is her problem, dude? I don't understand her" he complained.

"Me, neither".

"Hey, let me ask Cathy about her after the class. Maybe she knows something" Eleanor suggested. So, after the class, we chased Catherina and stopped her in the hallway.

"Omg. What guys?" she said in a sassy tone.

"Do you know where is Tasha right now?" Eleanor asked her.


"WHAT" the three of us half screamed that some of the students turned to us.

"Jeez. Why you guys shouting? You didn't know?" Catherina replied.

"No. No, Cathy. How long she had been at home?" Eleanor said.

"For a week, i guess" Cathy shrugged her shoulders.

"A week?! Why you never tell us about this?" Eleanor commented.

"Um, because you guys never ask" Cathy replied plainly. Eleanor was losing her patience and looked like she could eat Catherina alive right now. Clint realized the situation and pull Eleanor away from Catherina.

"Well, thank you. You can go" Clint said while giving way for Catherina to walk.

"Unbelieveable" Eleanor groaned in frustration.

"Cathy or Tasha?" Clint smirked.

"BOTH" Eleanor shouted again.

"Now is not the time to be mad, Eleanor. I knew Tasha very well and the only time she would go home is when she needed help. I think this whole situation makes her more depressed and she was really in need of help. Ugh, i was really a bad boyfriend. I was not there when she needed me the most. I feel so useless and stupid" i said. Its true. Tasha might be gone through alot of emotions and depression and i was not there the calm her down. I made her a promise that i always will be there when she needs me and now, i broke that.

"hey, its not your fault. You tried your best to reach her, we all did. But, she was the one who was avoiding us. We all tried to help her" Eleanor commented.

"There is only one thing we can do right now" i said. I knew exactly what to do.

"And...?" Clint replied.

"We have to go see Tasha now. We have to drive to her hometown".

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