Chapter 2.

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     I went to college.  A spacious corridor opened in front of me.  At first glance, it is clear that this college is unusual: notes are hung everywhere, musical instruments are in the corners, students' lockers are decorated in original ways.  Although everything here is unfamiliar to me, I liked this mesmerizing place.
     Mom informed me in advance that the freshmen would be waiting in the gym, which is to the left of the entrance.  I headed in the direction indicated and easily found that place.  There were already a lot of people in the hall, but there were still plenty of free seats.  I walked over to one of them and sat down.
    About 5 minutes later the director of the college came up to the microphone.  First of all, he congratulated everyone on the beginning of the school year, and addressed a separate congratulation to the freshmen, because it is rather difficult to get into this college.  Then he announced the list of students and their distribution by class.  I got up and headed for the exit.  A small crowd of students, apparently friends, came across to meet me.  With one of them, we accidentally bumped shoulders.

    “Sorry,” he told me and moved on.

     I looked after him.  Besides the guys, he had a couple of girl friedns with him. Apparently one of them is his girlfriend.
    I reached the classroom, laid out the necessary things from the backpack and sat down.  Some couple sat behind me and discussed what was happening.
    The girl poked me in the back with her finger and whispered: "Pss!"  I turned and saw her radiant smile.

Ariana: What's your name?
Selena: Selena.
Ariana: Nice name!  I'm Ariana, you can just call me Ari, and this is my boyfriend, Shane.  We have been together for 2 years!
Selena: Great!  Nice to meet you!
Ariana: Me too!  Tell us about yourself!

    I told the guys a lot about my life, school and dreams of the future.  They listened to me attentively, and then supported me and wished me luck.  I liked these two right away!
    We were distracted from the conversation by a guy who sat down next to me.  Ariana asked him the same thing she asked me 10 minutes ago.  We found out that his name is Shawn.  He also turned out to be a very funny and interesting person.  This is how our friendship was born.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 3!

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