Chapter 18.

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    The press conference began on the 1st of August.  The first city was our native Los Angeles.  To my surprise, a lot of people came here, including reporters, paparazzi, interviewers and fans.  Many of them shouted our names and said they loved us.
    We were asked a lot of questions about the film.  Most of them were answered by producers.  It even turned to our personal life.  Fans asked questions about our birthdays, favorite color, movie, food, and more.  Suddenly one man from the crowd shouted:

- You are dating?

    Justin and I exchanged glances and smiled.

Justin: She's the best thing that happened to me!

    I blushed and buried myself in Justin's shoulder.  The entire hall exploded in cheers.  "Awww," they shouted.

    After the conference, each of us was interviewed.
    I was also asked about my personal life: family, friends, school, Justin.
    When I finished, I ran joyful to the guy.  He hugged me and kissed me, and we went to the car.
    But suddenly Hailey appeared in front of us.

Hailey: I could not help but come and support my friends!

    It was obvious that she spoke with sarcasm.  Justin tightened his grip on my hand.

Hailey: "The best thing that happened in my life."  Oh, how sweet!
Justin: Yes, do you envy?
Hailey: You are not the only one who became famous.  I signed a contract with a modeling agency.  Your girlfriend doesn't shine.
Justin: I'm very happy for you!  Don't touch Selena!  She is much better than you in every way!
Hailey: Oh-oh-oh, how cute.

    POV Justin
    Hailey pisses me off.  Tracks at every turn.  I even changed the number, because she writes to me every time.
    I pulled Selena by the hand and we left Hailey.  Entering the car, I turned around and saw that she was blowing a kiss to me.  I slammed the door on purpose.
    The driver dropped us off near the cafe because I asked for him.  Selena and I decided to have a snack and then take a walk.  The film has not yet been released, but the paparazzi have been eating us everywhere.  We got the first fans who came up and asked for autographs and selfies.  Many of them said we were cute and asked us to never break up.

    I returned home at 10 pm, and then only to pick up my suitcase.  My parents accompanied me to the airport.  They wished me luck.  Little Gracie released me with tears.  She clung to me, and she was hardly stopped.  It was not easier for me myself.  I have never left my mother, Brian, and even more so my sister.  But I want to be a good example for her, and she needs to know that in order to achieve her goals and dreams, she has to take steps and make sacrifices.
    At the airport we were also overtaken by the paparazzi.  Thank God our company was given a separate room where we were without camera lenses and annoying paparazzi.
    When the landing was announced, we were the first to board the plane.  To disguise, I put on a hood, covered the lower part of my face with a scarf and covered my eyes with sunglasses, despite the fact that it was already dark outside.  Justin and the other actors did a similar thing.
    When the plane picked up speed, I was very excited.  When everyone had calmed down, I rested my head on Justin's shoulder.  We talked a little more, and then fell asleep.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 19!

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