Chapter 10.

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    I searched the Internet, choosing which movie Selena and I to go to.  She loves animals, so I think "Dog's Way Home" would be the perfect solution.  The story tells of a dog who lost his home and is now looking for a way to him.
    I made my reservation and went to college.  Now my main task is to drive Selena to and from college.
    When I arrived, she was closing the door of the house.

Selena: Hello honey.
Justin: Good morning sunshine.

    Selena got into the car and we hit the road.

Justin: I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock.  At 8 the beginning of the film.
Selena: What's it called?
Justin: I won't tell you, but I think you will like it.

    We met Ariana and Shane in the parking lot.

Ariana: You are so cute together!  When are we going on a double date?
Justin: We can do it tomorrow!
Ariana: Great!  I'll wait!

    Justin's friends and his ex-girlfriend unexpectedly approached us from different ends of the corridor.

Hailey: Yes, yes!  Go on your dates!  Have fun!
Niall: When will you leave them alone?
Hailey: When will he leave this fool!
Dylan: Yes, he does not love you and never did, calm down already!
Taylor: We'll see about that!

    I pulled Selena by the hand and led her away from this drama.

    POV Selena
    Justin walked me to class and left.  Throughout the school day, he wrote to me and reminded me of the film.
    I was really looking forward to this.  Fortunately, time passed quickly.  At 7 pm, as Justin had promised, he was already standing at my house.  I got into the car and we drove off.
    When we walked into the cinema, Justin closed his eyes so as not to spoil my surprise about the film.
    A minute before the start, he told me that I really love animals and therefore brought me to the "Dog's Way Home".  I saw an advertisement for this film on TV and really wanted to see it.  Justin reads my mind!  I'm very glad!
    Tears rolled down my face for most of the film.  I buried my nose in Justin's shoulder, and he hugged me.  So we sat for an hour and a half.

    At the end of the film, I took her for a walk.  I'm madly in love with Selena and I want to spend all my time with her.  We walked in the park, and then we reached the playground.  The girl sat down on the swing, I began to push her.  Then an unpleasant thought occurred to me ...

Justin: Listen.  On account of the ball tomorrow!
Selena: Yes?
Justin: We didn't know each other then and I invited Hailey.  I really want to go with you, but now I can't leave her, do you understand?
Selena: Yes, everything is fine.  Go with her.
Justin: Is everything okay?
Selena: Yes.

    The clock already showed half past ten at night.  I took Selena by the hand and led her home.  Already at the turn into her street, I stopped.  She turned to me.  We ended up at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other.  There was no one around.  I brushed her hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear.  Then he stroked Selena's cheek and approached.  I wrapped my arms around the girl's waist and kissed her.  She reciprocated and kissed back.

Shawn: Ooh, doves.

    I pulled myself away from Selena.  It turned out to be her classmate.
    Selena smiled shyly and hid behind me.  I took her hand and led her to the house.
    After 10 minutes she was already safe and sound with her family.  And half an hour later she wished me good night and fell asleep.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in Part 11!

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