Chapter 16.

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    A difficult time begins.  I will be all day on set and rehearsals.  But it's worth it.  I've always wanted this.  Today I have to be there at 7 am.
    I am punctual, so I arrived at the appointed place 19 minutes before the start.  Many of the team are already in place.  I went in, greeted everyone.  The rest of the time passed quickly: the guys are very funny, we discussed various news, talked about dreams about the future.  Soon, all the other members of our composition arrived.
    Today we ran the lines with movements.  We watched my scene separately and Justin's scene separately.  Other actors also rehearsed, but there was a lot of attention on us, because  we are here for the first time and we have no experience.
    When I was on stage, Justin looked at me.  When he rehearsed, I did the same.
    The rehearsal ended today at 7:43 pm, but we were warned to stay longer on the following days.  We were praised, thanked for the day and said goodbye.  I sat down on the stage and began to collect my things.  Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Justin, who was also packing his things.  Suddenly he got up, I looked away.  He went up to the stage.

Justin: You're amazing!
Selena: Huh?
Justin: I mean, you play well!
Selena: Oh, thanks, you too.

    Selena is so cute.  I really miss her.

Justin: Selena?
Selena: Mhm?

    I sat down next to Selena and looked into her eyes.

Justin: What happened to us?

    Selena looked away.  I looked at her chin and turned to me.  Our views converged again.

Justin: Sorry about that.  I love you very much, so I was jealous.

    Selena's eyes filled with tears.

Selena: Do you know that this is my cousin, whom I haven't seen for 3 years?  He came to us for a while to study.
Justin: I'm sorry!  I didn't think.
Selena: That's exactly what you didn't think.  You didn't even let me explain.
Justin: Selena, sunshine, I'm a fool.  I was wrong.  Please forgive me.  You are the only one who became my dear.  I'm afraid to lose you.
Selena: Okay ...
Justin: I will never offend you again, and I will not hurt others!  I promise!
Selena: I hope so.

    I hugged Selena and kissed her cheek.  Then he helped her to collect her things, reached out and raised her.
    We left the studio.  Unfortunately, Selena arrived in her car, so I accompanied her, hugged her and sent her on the road.

Justin: Sorry again.  I feel too bad that I hurt you.
Selena: It's okay.  I understand.  Love you.
Justin: love you too.

    I waited until Selena was out of sight, then got into the car and drove away too.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 17!

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