Chapter 26.

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  I didn't know Selena's friends, but Ariana introduced us.  Even though I didn't spend so much time with them, we still managed to find a common language.  I invited my boyfriend Tom to the party.  They also became friends.  This company is very pleasant to me.

  We did not sleep all night: me and Justin told about our adventures, we were told everything that happened.  It turns out that Niall is now dating Hailey, and Dylan is dating Taylor.  I was a little at a loss, but they pulled me out of this state by saying that Hailey had changed and gotten better.  As for Taylor, she was always good, just ran after her friend and supported everything about her. I was afraid of losing her, probably, as often happens in TV shows.  I am very happy for Dylan, because I remember how he helped me then. I am happy that he found his love.
  Justin left somewhere in the morning and returned for dinner.

"Guys, our film is out today! Let's go to the cinema and watch our debut on the big screen!"

  Everyone supported this idea.  And, having gathered, we moved on to the session.  Everyone recognized Justin and me on the way.  Paparazzi and fans have become commonplace.
  We arrived just in time for the start.  The film is an hour and a half long, plus all sorts of trailers before the start.  Throughout the movie, I sat with my head on Justin's step.  I feel so good with him!  Somewhere in the end, he said that he needed to go to the toilet and left.
  The end of the film.  All spectators are in tears.  Many have already got up from their seats to leave the hall, but some security guard put everyone back.  I didn't understand what was happening.
  Suddenly the screen lit up again and Justin appeared there.  No, I know he's a star now, but that scene wasn't in the movie.

"My princess, there was a lot between us and for all this I realized that I have not the slightest right and desire to lose you!  Now that you have more and more fans, especially male fans, my jealousy is at its peak.  I want to spend my whole life with you!"

  Suddenly, Justin himself appears next to me.  Sits on one knee.  My eyes widen and fill with tears.

"Selena Marie Gomez, I want to wake up and fall asleep with you every day, I want you to be always with me, will you marry me?"

  I could not answer, tears interfered with me.  For the first time I cry with joy!  I nodded, Justin put the ring on and kissed me.  Then we hugged tightly to the applause and exclamations of all those present.

"I will make you the happiest! I promise!"

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ THE END!

Author's note: OMG GUYS this book is nomber #2 by hashtag #shaneharper , #5 by hashtag #justinbieber and #19 by hashtag #haileybieber . I am so so happy!

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