Chapter 3.

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     There was really no studying today.  Everyone was interested in dating and college research.  So when the last call rang, me, Ariana, Shane, and Shawn left the building and headed for the parking lot.

Selena: Where do you live?  Can I give you a ride?
Ariana: No thanks, I need to go to the pier.  Shane will give me a ride.
Shawn: I live very close, thank you.
Selena: Ok, bye then.

    I got into the car and turned on the music.  Through the side mirror, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a running figure.  Looking around, I recognized her as Zendaya.

Zendaya: Uhh!  Hi Selly!  How was your day?
Selena: Everything was great!  I found new friends, studied a completely unusual college for me.  The first couples spent there gave me the best experience.  So what about you?
Zendaya: The same thing!  Generally super!  Found a guy?
Selena: No, why?
Zendaya: Why so? Nobody even liked a bit?
Selena: Well ...
Zenfaya: Lay it out already!
Selena: There is one guy.  I ran into him at a meeting.  Literally collided!  He crashed into my shoulders with his.
Zendaya: Wow!  What's his name?
Selena: I don't know.  We were unable to talk.  He only apologized and we parted.
Zendaya: So find him tomorrow and talk!
Selena: He has a girlfriend, I don't think I have a chance.
Zendaya: You won't know if you don't try!
Selena: Okay, let's get away from this topic.  How about you?

    Zendaya told me about her first day in college.  She, like me, thought it was great!  She found new friends and learned new life hacks on the very first day.
    Neither she nor me had any homework today.  We were free, so Zendaya came to my house.  We went up to my room and sat on the sofa, began to play crocodile.  This is Zendaya's favorite pastime because she's the pro.
    Suddenly, Ariana rushes into the room and starts yelling something.  Zendaya straightened quickly and looked at me.  I looked at her too.  We didn’t understand anything that Ariana was trying to tell us.

Selena: Hey, what happened?  Calm down please!
Ariana: God !!!
Selena: Ariana, this is Zendaya, we are the best friend since childhood.  Zendaya, this is Ariana, we met today.
Ariana: Nice to meet you!
Zendaya: Me too!
Ariana: In short, why did I come? Listen! There will be an autumn ball at our college in October.  Costumes must be appropriate for this time of year.  Guys invite girls.
Selena: Yes, and?
Ariana: I volunteered to help prepare the hall and signed you up !!
Selena: Well, why?
Ariana: Just imagine, we will spend more time together and they will also give us recommendations.
Selena: Okay.
Ariana: Hurray!!
Selena: Ari, how did you know where I live?  How did you get here?
Ariana: I have connections.
Zendaya: Look, Tom (Zendaya's boyfriend) just texted me that McDonalds has an ice cream sale today! Let's go! I love ice cream.
    We went to a cafe.  We decided to take a walk and went on foot.  On the way, Zendaya made friends with Ariana.  I'm overjoyed!
    We took my favorite Rocky Road ice cream, which is full of chocolate, marshmallows and almonds.  Enjoying a cool dessert, we continued our walk.  It was already evening and we decided to go to the park.  There are many children here, on rollerblades, bicycles, scooters.  Their parents, sitting in groups and discussing the latest developments.  And also teenagers of our age, walking, both us and in pairs.
    After a 2-hour walk, we went home, or rather Ariana left in the other direction, and Zendaya and I went together.  At the corner of our street, I saw him again.  He was again surrounded by his friends.  I looked into his eyes and caught his gaze on mine.  He smiled at me, and I shyly smiled back.  Unfortunately, it only lasted a couple of seconds and we parted ways again.
    Zendaya couldn't help but notice.

Zendaya: Is that him?  Is this the guy you ran into today?  TELL ME THAT IT IS HE!!!
Selena: Shhh, don't shout!
Zendaya: So it's totally him! Aaaaahh! And he is cute.
Selena: Yeah.

    Talking, we reached our homes.
    Already lying in bed, I recalled all the events that had occurred during the day, and fell asleep with a smile on my face ...

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 4!

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