Chapter 9.

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    The alarm clock rang.  I woke up with a smile on my face.  I quickly packed up and practically flew to college.
    Justin was standing there when I left the house.  I was pleasantly surprised.  He got out of the car, kissed me on the cheek and opened the door.  I sat down, he closed it behind me.  A real gentleman.  Justin walked around the car and got into the driver's seat.

Selena: What are you doing here?
Justin: I went to pick up my princess.

    I was very embarrassed, and, probably, you can even see how I blushed.

Selena: Now because of me, Hailey hates you and pesters you forever.
Justin: It's not your fault.  I never even loved her.  Sooner or later I had to part with her, because what is the point of building a relationship on a lie?
Selena: Yes, but she loves you.
Justin: The world doesn't revolve around her alone.
Selena: Why were you even with her then?
Justin: Our parents are good friends, so Hailey and I have known each other since childhood.  They always wanted us to get married.  I never liked her, but my mother asked me to give her a chance.  I could not refuse her.
Selena: Nice.
Justin: But with you everything is real.
Selena: I believe you.
Justin: Don't be offended.
Selena: I'm not. Don't worry.

    When we got to college, we saw Hailey standing outside Justin's parking lot.

Hailet: Well, well, well!  What people!
Justin: Hailey, leave me alone!
Taylor: Did you trade Hailey for her?
Justin: I didn't trade, because I never loved her!

    Justin took my hand and then turned to Hailey.

Justin: You should already realize this and move on!  I only dated you because my mom asked me to give you a chance!  Enough!  I have a girlfriend that I love very much!

    He pulled me and we left.

Selena: Justin, I want to introduce you to my parents.  When can you come to me?
Justin: Anytime.
Selena: Good.  I'll tell you later.

    He walked me to class.  I came in.  Ariana was not there yet.

    On the way to college, I saw Justin's car.  I decided to go after him.  Soon I saw that Selena was sitting with him.  On the street, they held hands.  Now Selena will definitely not turn her back on me!
    I entered the classroom 5 minutes after my friend did it.

Selena: Hello!
Ariana: And don't say that you are not dating him!
Selena: I won't.  He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I agreed!
Ariana: I'm so happy for you!

    My phone rang.  This is mom.  She said she is looking forward to meeting Justin, so she is expecting him by 7pm tonight.
    At every break, I met him in the corridor.  Now it is very easy and fun, because his and my friends now communicate well too.
    After the end of classes, Justin and I got into his car and drove home.  I said that my mother was expecting him by 7 o'clock.
    When I got home, I quickly did my homework and went to help my mother with preparations for the evening.
    We were all done by half past 7. 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door.  Justin came in with his parents and younger sister and brother.  I led them into the kitchen.  Everyone greeted everyone.  The Bieber family brought a cake as well as a gift for Gracie.  The guy handed her a teddy bear.  She took it and ran to me and her parents to show him.
    At the table, our families met.  I really liked each of the Biebers: they are very nice and kind.
    Justin's family left us at 9 o'clock. Before going out, the guy invited me to a movie tomorrow.  I agreed, he kissed me and left.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 10!

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