Chapter 4.

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     The college has a new student.  I only saw her a couple of times, but I really liked her.  I don't know what should I do.  I have a girlfriend, but I don't really like her anymore.  I do not want to hurt her, because we have known each other our lives.

Hailey: Honey, what are you thinking?
Justin: Huh?
Hailey: What happened?
Justin: I'm fine, forget ...
Hailey: Are you telling the truth?
DB: Yes, let's go.

  Today is the first full day of college. I can't wait to learn something new!

  I came to college.  When I entered the classroom, I saw Ariana and Shane.  As always, they talked about something.

Ariana: Selly, hello!

  Ariana ran over and hugged me.

Selena: Hello!
Shane: Hello!
Ariana: How are you?  How did you get home yesterday?
Selena: It's okay, thanks!
Ariana: I liked your friend so much.  Zendaya!  She's really cool.  Shane, you have to meet her!

   Suddenly the bell rang.  The pair stormes out. Our teacher walked into the classroom, introduced herself and began to teach.  For some reason, Shawn was still absent.

Selena: Why isn't Shawn here yet?  Did he tell you anything?
Ariana: Nope.  I do not know anything.
Shane: Me too.  I wrote to him, but he does not answer.

       Suddenly the door opened and Shawn ran into the classroom.  He sat down next to me and explained the situation.  It turns out that his car had a punctured tire and he had to wait for the bus.

Selena: But you said that you live close.
Shawn: Yes, but my parents yesterday confronted me with the fact that I have to help my cousin take care of her baby.  He's only a couple of weeks old.
Selena: Oh, how cute!
Shawn: Yeah ...
Teacher: Quiet!

     At recess, after 3 pairs, we went to lunch.  We took the most extreme table, closer to the window.  I love to see people rushing about their business;  to the ever-hurrying cars and, of course, the magnificent nature.
    Someone called Ariana, and so she walked away.  The guys and I discussed our plans for the future.
     A couple of minutes later our friend returned.  She informed about the preparations for the ball.

Ariana: Remember, I told you about the preparation for the ball?
Selena, Shane and Shawn: Uh .. well, yes ...
Ariana: Great!  The person responsible for the whole thing just called me and said that we are starting tomorrow!  Therefore, after 6 pairs of lessons we will go to the gym!
Shawn: And what will be there?
Ariana: Probably just a meeting for now.  Let's look at the premises, think about what can be done.
Selena: Guys, did she make you do this too?
Shane and Shawn: Yeah ...
Ariana: What do you have against?  We will spend more time together.
Shawn: Yes, all the way!

  After lunch, we had 3 more pairs.  Acting, stage movement and vocals.  I really like all this, so time flew by quickly.
  At the end of the school day, we all left the college together and headed for the parking lot.  I remembered that Shawn had problems with transportation, so I suggested that he come with me.

Selena: Shawn, can I give you a ride?
Shawn: No thanks.  I don't want to burden you.
Selena: It's okay, let's go.  More fun together.

  After 5 minutes of persuasion, he finally agreed.  We said goodbye to Ariana and Shane and walked to my car.

  Finally the pairs are over!  Time to go home.
  Oh my God!  That's her!  The girl that I like!  Who is this guy next to her?  Are they dating?
  With such thoughts I walked and looked at them, I did not even see where I was going.  I just disconnected from this world.  Suddenly I tripped over the curb.

Hailey: Justin!  What's happening to you lately?  You have become somehow different!
Justin: Hey Hailey!  Stop controllin every step of mine.
Hailey: Do you like this freshman?  It's not the first time I've noticed you staring at her.
Justin: It's none of your business!
Hailey: What, I'm sorry ?!
Justin: Yes.  And I'm sorry, but we're breaking up.  I do not love you anymore.
Hailey: But how is that?
Justin: It happened, sorry ...
Hailey: But Justin ...

  I quickly left.  Hailey screamed my name for a long time, but I paid no attention and moved on.
  When I passed the car with that stranger, she was already leaving.  I watched her go and walked on.

  I hate this girl!  I was in our college for only two days, and I already thought about myself, it is not clear what!  I will definitely take revenge on her and bring Justin back!

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 5!

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