Chapter 13.

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    The next morning we were woken up by the alarm clock.  All three gadgets started ringing simultaneously.  In turn, we did all the morning procedures, had breakfast and went to college.
    We set off in Ariana's car because I still feel like I've been drinking all day.  Zendaya came with us.  I am glad that my two best friends now also communicate well, help and support each other.
    On the way, we listened to music and sang.  Well, how did we sing?  We shouted at the top of our voices.
    When Ariana drove to college, she parked her car.  We left, together we reached the path, but then Zendaya left us.
    Justin is standing at the entrance to the college with his company.  I looked at him, he looked at me.  Our gazes met.  Ariana noticed this and ordered me to stop doing it.  I obeyed.  As we walked up the steps into the building, Dylan ran up to us.

Dylan: Selena, is everything okay?
Selena: Yes, everything is fine, thanks!
Dylan: You weren't there yesterday, I was very worried.
Selena: That's nice of you.  Thanks!  Ariana helped me.
Dylan: Thank you, Ariana.

    Ariana smiled.

Ariana: Call soon!  Send it, or we'll be late.

    Dylan came with us.  Niall joined him.  A little later, Shane and Shawn met us and we were already six.

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ [7 weeks passed]

    It's already March.  We still hang out with six of us, but now we're more united.  Justin is still dating Hailey, and Taylor is running after them like a tail.  About a week or two ago, Dylan asked me to date, but I refused.  I like Dylan, he's cute, but like a friend.  I don't want to build a relationship on a lie, he is not worthy of it.  I still love Justin.  Maybe sometime in the future.  We'll see.
    Today we have a meeting
  After 3 classes, everyone gathered in the assembly hall.  It is very large, so students from all 5 years of age, a teacher and a director could easily fit into it.
    The head of the college asked for attention, and when everyone was silent, he began his speech.

"Dear students, the end of the school year is coming.  Many of you already have a lot of experience in acting, singing and other performing arts.  Each of you wants to become an actor, so we give you a chance to test your professionalism."

    Each student was filled with excitement, many began to look at each other and wonder what it could be.

    The director continued:
"All of you, of course, know the director Scott Speer.  He is very famous and in demand in the world of cinema.  Today he came here to us to tell you important news."

    Scott came up to the microphone.
"Good afternoon guys.  It is not easy to get to your college, there are the most gifted and talented students here.  We have been cooperating with your organization for a long time, and I know what you are capable of.  Therefore, this year I decided to do an experiment, and at the same time help you on the way to your career.  I am announcing a casting for the feature film "Midnight Sun"."

    All students perked up.  Everyone is beside themselves with joy, delight and excitement.

    The director asked the audience to shut up.  Scott continued his speech:
"So, the film tells the story of a 17-year-old girl Katie, who at night composes her beautiful songs with a guitar, and during the day she is forced to hide in the darkness: her delicate skin cannot stand sunlight.  But one day at midnight, she meets Charlie, a cheerful guy with a charming smile.  Sudden and passionate love illuminates the life of a sick girl with a bright flash.  And now, for the sake of her beloved, she is ready to burn in the rays of light of an insane feeling ..."

    The director interrupted the story and entered himself:
"We consulted and decided that this will be your project work.  Each of you, without any excuses, should take part in the casting.  You should try your best, because we will evaluate your work, and then give the marks.  The very best will get the role and become mega-stars."

    Scott took the microphone.
"Yes, we only need two people: a guy and a girl.  The scene to be shown will be handed out to you later.  And yes, predetermining your question: this film will be shown in cinemas, on TV, it will also be on the Internet.  As your esteemed director said, you will become mega stars.  Are there any questions?"

    Everyone was so amazed that no one had any questions.

"Well, good luck then!  Casting starts in a week.  In this room.  Thank you all and goodbye!"

    The meeting ended and everyone went to their classes.  In the following pairs, neither students nor pupils cared about their studies.  The teacher handed us leaflets with the desired scene and said that the casting takes place in line from senior to junior, so that they have more experience.  Each course was given 2 days, starting from 6 am to 10 pm, so after 3 weeks the results should be announced.
    Due to the excitement of the students, everyone was let off steam and ordered to prepare.
    When I got home, I told my parents everything.  They wished me success, and I, not wanting to waste a single second, ran to my room to get ready.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 14!

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