Chapter 12.

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    As usual, the alarm went off at 6 am. My head hurts and my eyes are swollen.  I decided to stay at home.  I turned off the phone and continued sleeping.

    I'm so angry with Selena!  How could she do this?  I really thought she was different!  Still, Hailey is who I need.
    Oh! Niall and Dylan are coming!  I must say that our gang is together again!

Justin: Hey guys!

    The guys walked towards me.  Dylan looks evil.
    He came over and pushed me so hard that I fell to the floor.  I got up, everything hurt me.

Dylan: What are you, a moron?
Justin: What's wrong?
Dylan: How dare you offend Selena?  She left early yesterday and was in tears!  I don't know what happened there, but you fucked up!
Jistin: It's none of your business!  She cheated on me, and I realized that it was Hailey that was the love of my life!
Dylan: And you are an idiot in life!  Selena didn't come to college today, who knows what might have happened?
Hailey: Don't you understand that we don't care about her?  True love wins!
Niall: You should be silent at all!
Taylor: Don't shut her up!
Niall: All she can do is blather and meddle with her own business.  Are you as cruel as I ever talked to you?

    Dylan came close to me, grabbed my shirt and shouted in a threatening voice: "If something happened to her, blame yourself!"  The guy jerked his hand and left.

    Me, Hailey and Taylor went to class.  On the way, we met Ariana and her friends.

Ariana: Hey, Jus, where is Selena?
Justin: I don’t know and I don’t want to know.
Ariana: Um ... what are you doing with her?
Justin: Ariana, fuck off!
Shane: Talk to Hailey like that, not Ari.
Justin: You got me!  And your company got it!  And your Selena got it!  And you got it all!  Do not meddle with me!
Shawn: Maybe it's you?
Justin: No, that's all!  Get out!

    I do not understand what is going on.  I called Selena several times, but she does not pick up the phone.

Ariana: Guys, I'm going to Selena.
Shane: Can I come with you?
Ariana: No thanks!  It's purely feminine.

    I got out of college, got in my car, and drove off.  I was rushing at great speed, so I got to my destination quickly.
    Getting out of the car, I quickly walked to the house.  I pulled the handle, luckily, the door opened.  I walked in and started screaming my friend's name.  Nobody responded.  I went upstairs and found her in Selena's room.  I went over and stroked her head.

Selena: What are you doing here?
Ariana: No, what are you doing here?  You must be in college, what happened?
Selena: It's okay, I just got sick.
Ariana: Yes, and that's why you're lying around here with makeup, hair and dress from yesterday's ball.
Selena: Yeah.
Ariana: Selena, don't lie to me!  What happened?

    Selena told me everything.  I feel very sorry for her.  She's a lovely girl and doesn't deserve all that.

Ariana: Here I am!

    I hugged Selena.  She began to cry on my shoulder.

Ariana: Come on, get ready!  Let's go figure it out!
Selena: No, don't, please.
Ariana: Well then, at least just clean yourself up.

    While Selena was in the bathroom, I went down to the kitchen, poured her a glass of water, and returned. She had already freshened up by that time and I handed her water.

Ariana: Take it, drink it.
Selena: Thank you very much!

    I feel so bad.  I am very glad that I have such a good friend.  She helped and supported me in difficult times.
    At the end of the classes, Zendaya joined us.  We had a great day together and then the friends stayed overnight.
    Ariana and Zendaya lifted my spirits and helped me through all the pain, although deep down I still had misunderstandings and resentment.
    During the day we were tired, and therefore fell asleep at 10 o'clock.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in Part 13!

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