Chapter 5.

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    The next day, the couples passed not noticeably.  My friends and I have already entered the rhythm of the court life, but we also did not forget about the fun.
    As planned, after all the pairs are over, we have to go to the gym and help arrange it for the ball.
    We were released today after 5 pairs, so in our free time Ariana, Shane and Shawn went to the cafe.  We enjoyed ice cream and then went back to college.
    We are now at the designated location and are designing the scenery.  Everyone agreed that trees could be painted on the walls and dried leaves could be left on the floor.  True, there is no such weather in Los Angeles, so my friends went outside to pick fresh leaves to dry them later.  Some of the seniors went to get some stationery, and I stayed in the hall.  Not wanting to waste time, I started thinking about the ornaments.  It occurred to me that I could paint something on the ceiling too, so I lifted my head up and began to look.

    In addition to studying, in our college there are additional classes that take place outside of school hours.  I am on the basketball team.  There are no classes today, but now I am going to the coach to discuss a couple of points.
    I went to the gym and saw HER.  It was weird because she was staring at the ceiling.  I walked up to her as quietly as possible and also stared up.

Justin: Interesting?

   I lowered my head and looked at the interlocutor.  God!  It's him!  How do I proceed?  I do not know what to do?  How did he come in so silently?  I feel so stupid.

Selena: Uh, yes.

He smiled at me.  I smiled back.

Selena: We just decorate the ballroom and I see what we can do with it.
Justin: Super!
Selena: Yes ...
Justin: Listen, was it you who I crushed into on the first day?
Selena: Yes.
Justin: I didn't have time to explain myself.  I was pushed, so it happened.  Sorry, I'm so sorry.
Selena: It's okay.  You don't have to apologize.

    After classes, I secretly followed Justin.  I was right!  He fell in love with this freshman!  My anger is at the limit!  I hate her!

    I'm so glad I was finally able to talk to her.  Moreover, we are alone.  She is so cute!

    This is the first time I see him this close.  He's even better than I imagined.

Justin: I'm Justin.  And what is your name?
Selena: Selena.
Justin: What a beautiful name.  Just like you.

    I was very embarrassed.  Probably, you could see how my cheeks lit up.  I tried very hard to hide my emotions, but I couldn't.

Selena: Thank you very much!

    But then the coach entered the gym, and Hailey ran after him.  Justin smiled at me and left to decide his own affairs.  I took a sketchbook and started sketching my ideas.
    Hailey came up to me.

Hailey: Listen, you!  Justin is my boyfriend and he won't be dating some freshman!
Selena: I'm not trying to take him away from you.
Hailey: Otherwise I don't see the way you look at him!  Yes, he's handsome and he's mine!
Selena: Well, whatever you say ...
Hailey: Stay away from him or it will get worse!

    Justin left the coaching room.

Justin: Hailey!  What are you doing here?
Hailey: Nothing honey.  I was just getting to know the new girl.  It's true?
Selena: Mgm.
Justin: I'm not cute to you!
Hailey: Did you trade me for her?  What did you find in this ugly creature?
Justin: What are you talking about?  Are you crazy at all?

    I got up and walked away from them.  Justin took my hand and held me back.

Justin: Selena, wait!
Hailey: Yes, wait for your boy!
Justin: Take it easy already!

    Suddenly some other girl entered the hall.  She came up to us.

Hailey: Taylor, this lovemaker!

    As I understand it, Taylor is Hayley's friend.

Selena: Yes, I didn't take anyone away!
Justin: Calm down already!
Taylor: Bieber, you moron!  You broke Hailey's heart!  And for whom?  You have known Hailey since childhood.  She always helped you, and you did it.
Justin: I'm very grateful to Hailey, but I don't like her.  Or are you suggesting that I build a relationship on a lie?  And for your information, Selena has nothing to do with it.
Hailet: Yes, of course.
Justin: Calm down!

    Justin pulled my hand and led me out of the room.  Hailey and Taylor were still shouting after us all sorts of threats and words of hatred.

Justin: Don't mind them.  They are crazy!
Selena: It's okay.
Justin: Are we good?
Selena: Yes.  Thank you for standing up for me.
Justin: Well, it's not your fault.
Selena: Who are they?
Justin: Yes.  Hailey is my ex, and Taylor is her best friend.  I didn't like Hailey and decided to break up with her, but she cannot accept it.
Selena: Now, because of me, they won't communicate with you?
Justin: It's not your fault.  But I am even glad if they stop communicating.  Now I saw how disgusting they really are!

    I just noticed that Justin is still holding my hand.  I broke free from his grasp.

Justin: Oh yes, I'm sorry.

    He smiled at me.  I smiled back.  Our gazes collided.  God!  I drowned in his eyes!
    Justin asked me what I was doing in the gym.  I told him everything.  He appreciated this activity.
    Then he volunteered to walk me home.  It so happened that Zendaya gave me a lift to college today, so I'm without a car today.
    I agreed.  We got into Justin's car and drove off.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 6!

Fire roses | Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = JelenaWhere stories live. Discover now