Chapter 22.

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    An hour has passed, the second, the third ... time passes, but nothing changes.  Selena still hasn't come to her senses.  I get hysterical and no pills are helping me.
    I was sitting next to Selena, when suddenly the doctor called the nurse and they walked away.  I didn’t pay much attention to it, but when they whispered, I heard their conversation out of the corner of my ear.  The doctor's words made me incredibly angry!

"How dare you?" I shouted, "I'll sue you all!  Are you people or what?"
"Mr. Bieber, calm down," the doctor tried to seat me on a chair, but I just jerked my hands and broke free from his grasp.
"Don't touch me!  And anyway, I won't let you turn it off!  You have no right!" I yelled like a cut, that strangers began to look into the room.  I didn't give a damn about them.  I only worried about my baby.
“These are the rules, Justin.  She has not come to her senses for a long time and can no longer breathe on her own.  It is unlikely that now something will save her.  This amount of smoke is deadly ..."
"You are all jerks!  Can't do anything normally!" tears flooded from my eyes, "I hate you all!  I'll sue you all!" I did not calm down.

    I don’t know what happened, but what happened next I don’t remember.  It looks like the doctors injected me with some kind of drug.  When I woke up, I remembered all this trouble.  Looking around, I did not find Selena in the room.  With sharp turns of my head, I looked around the whole room - no one.  I got up abruptly and went out into the corridor.  From my mouth, the only thing was that screams and curses were heard.  I can't believe they really did it.  Out of desperation, I began to break into every room, every door of the hospital - even the staff rooms and restrooms.
    Many people tried to stop me.  They grabbed my arms, legs, pulled my belt, trying to hold me back, but love is a terrible force.  I walked ahead, pushing off from them with such ease as a child brushes off a bug.  Around at the end of the corridor, I saw her.  I quickly ran into this room and saw that these non-doctors had turned off Selena, or rather the apparatus that supported her breathing.  I quickly ran to her.  Tears rolled from my eyes, I was not even ashamed of it.  This is the only girl that I truly love, this is the only girl who brings a smile to my face every minute.  She is the only one who can make me cry.  She is my whole life, and now she lies here in front of me and dies.  My heart sank.  I do not know what to do.  I walked over to her bunk and knelt down.  Tears were already streaming from my eyes.  I took her hand: the warmth was already slowly leaving my princess.

"Selena, my love, please wake up, please", I could hardly speak.  There was a lump across my throat.  It was hard for me, but I didn't give up hope.
"Boy, it's late.  You can't save her, ” the doctor drawled.
"My bunny, honey.  I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe.  You are the only one I really love.  My life has become better with you.  You're beautiful.  Why did it happen like this?  Please, Selena, hear me!  Don't leave me!" the doctors said something to me, but I didn't listen to them, "Lord, please, take me not her.  She didn't deserve it."

    I am a very religious person, so I began to ask God for help.  The doctors, seeing this, were generally brutalized and with all their might began to push me out of the ward.

"STOP!" I shouted!

Did you like the chapter?  You will find the continuation in 23 part!

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