Chapter 8.

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    I am on vocal class. Today, it's just a theory, so we hear the information that the teacher tells us and write it down.
    My phone chirped.  I watched.  Justin wrote to me.

Justin: What time are we going?
Selena: By 5 o'clock.
Justin: I'll pick you up.
Selena: Ok.

    Selena smiles from ear to ear for no reason.  We need to find out what's the matter.

Ariana: What happened?
Justin: Nothing.
Ariana: Yeah, that's why you just sit here being so happy.
Selena: Justin signed up for a charity center, and that's why we're going together today.
Ariana: Do you like him?
Selena: Well, yeah ...

    Soon all the couples for today ended and we went home. Our group of four went in different directions.  I got into the car and drove away.
    There was still an hour and a half before meeting with Justin.  I decided to quickly do my homework.  I did it in an hour.  For the remaining half hour, I preened myself: I combed my hair, chose decent clothes and put them on.
    When Justin arrived, I was already on the street.  I climbed into his car and smiled.

    The trip was successful.  I turned on the radio and we sang to famous songs.
    Arriving at my destination., I followed Selena.  She spoke with the head of the fund, who, in turn, gave us instructions.
    The activity of this center was not only to help people, but also to animals.  We were sent to look after the newborn puppies left without parents due to a terrible fire.
    The administrator, whose name is Adam, walked us to the right room.  We went in and stayed alone with 5 puppies.  They are incredibly cute.  At the information desk, Selena was given the daily routine, and she, following it, is now filling bottles with milk.  I started doing the same.
    It's a lot of fun to feed them.  Then we put them to bed.  It was nice to watch Selena fiddling with little dogs.
    You need to keep quiet so as not to wake them up.  I approached Selena and we began to whisper.  She got up and walked over to the windowsill, and I remained seated.  The girl took a vase of flowers to change the water.

Selena: God!  I love roses.  They are magical!

    After this procedure, she returned to me.

Justin: Selena?
Selena: Yes?
Justin: I like you!  I have never felt such a feeling for anyone.  From the first moment, you sunk into my soul.

    Selena blushed and began to smile embarrassedly.  Then she buried her nose in her knees and hid her face from me.  I approached and hugged her.

Justin: Will you be my girlfriend?
SG: Yes!

    I can not believe it!  Now I am dating with Justin.  I'm in seventh heaven!
    The rest of the day went by incredibly quickly.  When we were replaced, we went home.  Justin drove me, kissed me on the cheek and drove off.
    At home my mother met me and started asking why I was so happy.

Selena: Do you remember the guy I told you about?  We ran into him on the first day of school.
Mandy: Yes.
Selena: He asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed!

    Mom hugged and kissed me.

Mandy: Congratulations, daughter.  I wish you happiness with him.

    Brian entered the room.

Brian: What is it?  What a celebration?
Mandy: Selena has a boyfriend!
Brian: I'm glad, but if he offends you, then he will not be good.

    I am very glad that the family is happy for me.  It will be necessary to introduce them.
    Before going to bed, I wanted to write about this to Justin, but got ahead of me.  The guy called me and I told him everything.  At the end of the conversation, we wished each other good night and said words of love.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 9!

Fire roses | Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = JelenaWhere stories live. Discover now