Chapter 23.

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    The doctors did not expect such a sudden scream, and I felt how they shuddered in surprise.

"She's coming to her senses!  Look!" I said with hope.
“Not at all, kid, you need to lie down.  Let's get out of here." The doctor pulled at my wrist.
"Relax yourself.  I'm not going anywhere". I pulled my hand away and walked over to Selena again.

    I bowed near her.  She sighed sharply, very sharply.  It is beyond words.  I bet this sigh is terribly painful for her, like the first breath of a baby who has just been born.
    I couldn't believe it.  My freshly dried eyes filled with tears again.

"She's alive!  She's alive!" I have never shouted like that in my life.  The entire hospital must have heard me.  But this is how it is, everybody and everyone began to look into the ward, from small to large, from doctors to visitors.  I didn't give a damn about them - let them look, the main thing is that my love is next to me again.
    The doctors were in no less shock.  They did not understand how Selena was able to survive.  I disconnected from everything that was happening around me and focused on my only and beloved baby.

“You scared me so,” I sat down on her bunk and took her hand.
“I really don't remember anything.  What happened?"
"I'll tell you when you get better.  The main thing is that you are with me now!" my eyes were wet again.  What's wrong with me?  I have never cried in my life, much less because of a girl.  And this is because she is not just a girl, but my unique Selena Marie Gomez, and she is perfect!

    I am perplexed by what is happening.  Where I am?  Who are all these people?  And why is Justin in tears?
    I leafed through all the last memories, as Justin approached my lips and we kissed.  People around us started shouting out sweet sounds and clapping at us.
    Okay, no matter what happened there, the main thing is that he is with me.

Did you like the chapter?  You will find continuation in 24 parts!

Fire roses | Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = JelenaWhere stories live. Discover now