Chapter 11.

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    There will be an autumn ball at the college tonight at 7 pm.  I really want to go with Selena, but I can't leave Hailey at the last moment.  I hope she won't be offended by me.

    Today is the ball and I probably won't go to it.  Nobody invited me, and all my friends will be with couples, so I have nothing to do there.  I was very worried about Justin and Hailey, who knows what else she can do.
    Justin's friends, Niall and Dylan, distracted me from my thoughts.  They greeted me.  Niall went to a girl, and Dylan stayed with me.  He smiled, I smiled back.

Dylan: Justin said he was going with Hailey.
Selena: Yes.
Dylan: Are you worried?
Selena: Yes, but everything will be fine, I believe him.
Dylan: Who are you going with?
Selena: I'm not going at all.
Dylan: Why?  Come with me!

    Dylan looked me in the eye and I agreed.

    I am very glad that Selena will come with me.  I liked her from the very first moment we met.  But she's dating my best friend, and I can't risk our friendship.  Better to tell Justin about everything.  Oh, he’s just there!

Dylan: Justin, I know that you are going to the ball with Hailey, so I invited Selena.  I hope you don’t mind!
Justin: Everything is great!  I wanted my friend to go with her, not some stranger.
Hailey: God!  Your girlfriend is ready to hang out with everyone she meets!
Dylan: I had to persuade her to go!
Hailey: Oh yeah she's a queen, she needs to be begged!
Dylan: Hailey!  Stop!  You contradict yourself, and I can no longer tolerate your behavior!  As soon as the ball is over, we will never be bound by anything else!

    During the day, Justin asked me several times if I was okay with this whole story.  He is so cute!
    Time passed quickly, and now we were on our way to college for the fall celebration.
    Justin walked up to the car when we arrived.

Justin: You look great!
Selena: Thank you, honey.  You too!

    He hugged me and pulled out a huge bouquet of yellow roses from behind!  I love them!  These are my favorite flowers in the world!

Selena: How did you know?
Justin: I remember you told about it when we looked after the puppies!

    We hugged again and parted.
    The ball begins soon.  I can have a great time with Dylan, he is a fun person and an interesting conversationalist.
    It took 45 minutes from the beginning of the event.  I have never seen Justin and Hailey.
    After 10 minutes, I turned my head to the right and saw them.  Hailey whispered something in Justin's ear.  He walked away from her and walked towards me.  I saw that he was angry.  When he reached me, he grabbed my hand and led me into the corridor.

Selena: Justin, what happened?
Justin: So, huh?
Selena: What?
Justin: I thought you were different!
Selena: What's the problem then?
Justin: I saw a photo of you hugging some guy, and then you come to your house together!  God!  What a fool I am!  Hailey was right!  You are no better than the rest!

    Tears rolled from my eyes.  I couldn't say anything.  During my break, Justin returned to the dance floor, and I was left alone in the hallway.
    Dylan followed me a little later.

Dylan: What happened?
Selena: Nothing, everything is fine.  Let's go.

    When I entered the hall, I saw Justin kissing Hailey.  I felt even worse than it was before.  I told Dylan that I was not feeling well and that I needed to go home.

Dylan: Let me walk you through?
Selena: No thanks, I need to be alone.

    I took the bouquet that Justin gave me and left.  On the way, I saw that something was burning.  I didn't even bother to consider what it was.  I threw flowers into the flames.  The sight was beautiful: fire roses.  I stood at this place until they completely burned out and went on.
    I walked at a slow pace.  Tears rolled down my face.  I was home in 30 minutes.  Parents and Gracie left for the village, I was all alone, which only made me happy.
    I didn’t go up to my room.  Without taking off my dress, I thumped on the sofa and fell asleep.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 12!

Fire roses | Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = JelenaWhere stories live. Discover now