Chapter 6.

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    I told Justin my address and he drove in that direction.  Approaching my street, he did not turn right, as he had to, but went straight.

Selena: Justin, I live there.

    I pointed my finger at my street.  Justin didn't stop.  He continued to drive, and I watched my house that appeared in the distance.

Justin: I know.  I just want to show you something.
Selena: And where are we going?
Justin: To the park.

    He turned on the music, but turned it down so that we could hear each other while talking.  The park was 15 minutes away.  We did not notice how time flew by.
    We got out of the car.  Justin went ahead, I followed him.  We soon caught up.

Justin: Justin Timberlake speaking here tonight.  I have 2 tickets.
Selena: God!  I adore him!  Thank you so much!

    Selena jumped for joy.  I'm glad I was able to please her.

Justin: Yes, it's true there is still an hour and a half before the start.  We can go to a cafe and just walk here.
Selena: Yes, the nature is magnificent here!

    We went to the first eatery we came across and enjoyed a pizza with a cocktail.
    After a couple more minutes, we stumbled upon ice cream.  It turned out that Selena adores them.

Justin: I see you are crazy about ice cream.
Selena: Yes, I can't live a day without it.

    During our walk, I learned a lot about Selena.  She is a very kind and sweet girl.  It turns out she is a goodwill ambassador and does charity work.  Wow!  She inspired me, now I also want to do this kind of activity.

Justin: Listen, can I do charity work with you?
Selena: Yes!  It will be great!
Justin: How can I sign up for the fund where you are the ambassador?
Selena: I will take you to the center after the concert.

    The concert starts soon and we went to the arena.  There they were able to find places close to the stage and took them.
    The performance is great, Mr. Timberlake is doing his best.  One day I will also shine so.
    Suddenly, the artist held out his hand to Selena and beckoned her to him.  She began to refuse.  Selena is very shy, but that only suits her.  The audience began to shout, supporting the girl.  I pushed her towards the stage.  She resisted, but then grabbed me and dragged me with her.
    The stage workers handed us microphones: one for each, Selena and me.  We went out in public.  The song "Can't Stop The Feeling" started playing.  Justin was the first to sing, then he showed us a gesture for us to join.  I obeyed.  Selena did not sing, but when the whole audience began to support her, she surrendered to the rhythm, and hiding behind me, sang a couple of lines.
    When the song ended Justin asked for our names.  The whole audience applauded.  The cries and exclamations were endless.
    When we left the stage, people were still clapping and shouting our names.  It was an unforgettable feeling.  Now I am even more confident in my goal and will go towards it.
    The concert ended soon after.  As promised, Selena took me to the charitable foundation's headquarters.  They gladly accepted me there, explained the tasks and the schedule.  I was asked to work in tandem with Selena, to which they responded with approval.
    After such a wonderful end to the day, I drove Selena right to her doorstep.

Justin: Give me your number.

    Selena smiled and dictated.

Justin: I'll write.
Selena: I'll wait.  Thank you for the day!
Justin: Mutually.

    We hugged and Selena got out of the car and headed towards the house.  Then she turned around and waved at me.
    I stood until the moment the girl entered the building.  Then I stood for a couple of minutes and left.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 7!

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