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Dedicated to Safiat010 ,yomility

👱🏽‍♂️Daniel 👱🏽‍♂️

It's been just some few hours I have been lying on the hospital bed,thankfully the bullet has been successfully removed,my leg was shot and I felt so much pain in them. I lay down with my eyes closed being helpless about everything,Mariana's mom is on a flight back to the US,Dad is trying all he can to find Mariana or any of the men who have kept her captive,I suspect just one person,but I am still not sure,I turned a bit in the bed to adjust my back to the pillow, I was told that I could probably be paralyzed for awhile that's means I wouldn't be able to walk sometime, I felt angry towards Mari for not informing me about anything that it was she found herself into,that's the other side of her I still don't know,but seeing her act so brave infront of those men marveled me that instead of fighting them back I only stood there asking questions and admiring her bravery,when I saw them carrying her away with her face covered, that was when I tried fighting but it was too late as I got my legs shot,so lucky it wasn't my heart or head I could have been dead by now, I need to investigate this further to know what's really going on.

👩🏿‍🦱Mariana 👩🏿‍🦱
I sat in the dark room and I could feel the room was more darkened,I felt weak,hungry,thirsty and sleepy. I have lost track of time but I guessed it wasn't even late night yet. I tried using my last strength to free myself out of ropes I was tied with,suddenly the light reflected in the room again and this time a switch was turned on to lighten up the room, I raised my head to see the tiny bulb fixed on top of the ceiling, I took this time to study the room in which I was in,I marveled at the sight I saw infront of me,I thought it was an abandoned cave or dungeon but this looked more of a royal room than anything,so why was I tied here on the ground anyway,instead of thinking of ways to escape,all I thought at the moment was to stretch my body on the wide queen size bed that lay before me, I was brought out of my fantasy,when I heard his voice at the other side of room.

"I have prepared a bath for you,there are clean clothes in the wardrobe and food is on its way ",Maxwell said.
At the mention of food my stomach growled I looked down at my feet and hands and he quickly came to untie me.
"Why are you being nice all of a sudden ", I asked wearily.
"Just go in there and take your bath and get something to eat ",he said.
I felt so dizzy and before I could know I passed out in his arms.

I woke up not knowing where I was,it takes so much time for my brain to be normal when I wake up from a long and tired sleep, I studied my surrounding before weakly making it to the bathhouse, I  thought of so many ways of which I could escape,I never knew Maxwell would be a psychopath,how could he hurt me claiming that he loves me, I opened the shower and had a cold bath to freshen up,everything seems to be here already after the bath and finding a new toothbrush to brush my teeth, I wrapped myself in a towel and slowly walked out, I heard someone stirring something roughly and decided to peek from the bathroom,it was Maxwell, I saw a powdered content laying beside the coffee cup and I felt it could be poison or a sleeping tablet, I quickly made a quick plan and waited for him to be done totally before I walked out of the bath feigning surprise of seeing him,I seductively walked to him and tried distracting him,by which my back now faced the coffee cups as I exchanged them taking note about their position, I allowed him to kiss me but suddenly pushed him away and informed me that I needed to get dressed and eat since I was very hungry,he willingly let go off me and I walked away from the cups and sat beside a table and chair still claded in towel,he pressed a button and a girl younger than I appeared at the doorway,he picked a cup of coffee and gulped down the content  asking me to do same,he looked at me sternly and I grabbed the coffee cup with a mischievous smile playing at the corner of my lips, I still couldn't trust that just one cup of coffee could contain whatever substance it was he might have poisoned both cups,with the cup firmly in my hand I poured the hot tea on him,he jumped up from his seat surprised and furious that he stormed out of the room without saying a word. I smirked and looked towards the girl who stood there emotionless and ordered her to leave,she scurried off and I only laughed to myself about how Maxwell was so stupid in every bad thing he plans. I quickly said a prayer and prepared for my escape at the least opportunity.

🌝Daniel 🌝

I was only hoping for one thing to find the woman I have fallen in love with,it's been two days since she had been taken away from those men, I hope only hope that she is safe.The police are trying their best but I can't just sit on this hospital bed doing nothing,but here I laid I can't even walk. I already told the police about Maxwell and his drug deals,some of his men have been arrested and very soon they would find him. I felt it hard to eat my meals that when her mom arrived and urged me to eat,I still refused,she was always assuring me that they would definitely find her,no one knows about our feelings for each other yet so my worry and concern is seen as one from a caring brother.

💤Mariana 😹
I was resting on the bed hungry that I could swallow an elephant,soon the girl entered with a tray of heavy breakfast,dressed salad with a plate of rice and chicken,so sensible at least. I snatched the tray from her and when she was about to leave I called her back to taste the food Incase it was poisoned or drugged. I gave her death looks that she hurriedly tasted the food and I asked her to wait Incase she would pass out any moment,just when I was about to dig to into food Maxwell entered the room swaying left and right. I heard a loud thud outside and I rushed to moved out,the girl had collapsed to the floor,my mouth opened in horror as I rushed back inside the room to see what has become of Maxwell,he also was laying on the bed with legs apart and arms spread,i noticed he has fallen into slumber as he was snoring.

"Eww,kidnapping gone wrong", I said and laughed as I hurriedly prepared myself to leave.

🥳Daniel 🥳
"We've found their location,our men are on their way to surround the residence and meet them in an ambush",the caller said.

"Good do that quick ", I heard dad say to the caller.
I let out a sigh of relief as dad hanged up and placed his hand on mine assuredly that everything would be okay.

Days turned to weeks,weeks to month and months to years,it's been exactly six years after all this incidence.Maxwell was sent to jail and my regular visits to him helped reshaped him into a better Christian,no is perfect,all we need is Christ,I learnt he preaches to his prison mates.Daniel healed quickly and was back on his feet before a year,he was able to expand his business empire and he's now one of the richest billionaires in the world,mama had her brown baby who's now five years old.Step dad is down with ailments but he's happy and perfect, I managed to get my degree and masters as well,Daniel has proposed to me and I agreed to marry him. I have my own business empire an upcoming millionaire I involve in charities and fundraising for the needy, I have a product company running and I am a CEO,maybe I haven't been the beautiful flower I intended to be,but I
never forgot to be the light in the lives of others

Thanks for the love you have showed me by reading to the end,please vote and comment, I would love to learn more through your comments.

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