Chapter Twenty-three

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I quit my job with the smiths plus I didn't want to have any encounter with Maxwell anyway.So I patiently wait for school to reopen and packing my stuffs I returned to school and hid myself in the apartment which I decided to share with Sara one of girls who I won the scholarship with,I didn't want to live alone plus I needed a serious study mate,we were only three who won the scholarship and Gerald is the only boy with us two girls. I entered the apartment and shut the door,Sara was jolted out of her sleep.

"Hey,you back ",she says yawning.

Actually she had nowhere to stay,so even though we went on vacation she stayed in the apartment doing minor jobs,I was the bad room mate who never cared to call or text her just to check on her but she always left me with messages which I barely replied,I glared at her with so much guilt in my eyes

Without she saying anything I went on rambling about how bad a friend I was and that I didn't make time to ever check on her.

"So how's Gerald??", I asked trying to end my long speech.

"He's been around "she replied sleepily.
I only nodded my head and dropped my bags with a thud beside my bed, I noticed making conversations with her whilst she was still half asleep was pointless,I felt my stomach growl and I stood to open the small fridge in the room,it contained just cereal and a bottle of milk, I shut it and left the room quietly towards the cafeteria to get something to eat, I always loved something chilly and hot, I ordered for pasta and personally asked the server to sprinkle more pepper,she looked at me weirdly I knew what she was thinking,that I may be a drunkard, I only gave out a small laugh and picked up the tray looking for a table to eat. I found an empty one and quickly occupied it, I offered a silent prayer in my mind before munching on my food and it tasted exactly the way I wanted it,hot and filled with pepper,I had a bottled water sitted right beside my plate and a soft drink at the other side.
"Excuse me,May I join you ",a cool soft feminine voice trailed over my head, I was so lost in my meal and ate like it had been years I had eaten. I wasn't used to making new friends or allowing people the chances of hanging out with me even at least sitting with me,that's why I even found it hard on building a friendship or closeness with Sara or even Gerald, I remember getting multiple texts from Stella but it felt hard to reply almost all her messages cause I was used to people pushing me away and even ignoring my existence,therefore an attempted effort from someone trying to be nice to catch my attention was one I didn't fancy. I looked at the beautiful girl beside me and thought how rude it would be if I ignored her or simply replied no.i smiled at her and gestured to her to take her seat.
"Thanks",she said quietly and pursed her lips before sitting opposite to me placing her tray of food down.
"I'm Tracy",she said.
"Mariana",I replied and tittled my head towards her food telling her that it would get cold,since I hated my meal getting cold.when done eating I stood to leave but she asked me a question which caused me to glance at her.

"How come you knew,Maxwell ",she asked.
I returned to my seat and frowned a little trying hard not to be rude.
"I used to work for his family ",I replied.
"Would you mind meeting me at the school's garden, I want to tell you something important,but first if you wouldn't mind,may I have your digits??"she said almost breathlessly which caused me to worry that whatever it was she wanted to tell me was really damn serious and deadly.
I gave her my digits and smiling down at her,I picked up my bag and left for the library.

Thanks everyone for your votes and reads,I am very much grateful,please vote and please do comment hi.

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