Chapter Nineteen

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It's been 3 months,I applied for a cleaning job to distract me since we were now on vacation.Daniel had traveled to California without informing me, I actually told him to stay away from me and stop bothering about me,so that was it,he stopped communicating with me and I wasn't receiving any text message either,Dad has always been busy as well and our weekend outing was canceled as well.Mom couldn't come cause she stated she had further work to attend to,so I was left alone in this huge mansion since there was no school,upon so much thought I decided to work and  thankfully I was picked up at the little attempt I made.So here I was knocking on the door of the smith family,they were as well rich,looks like everyone here was either middle class or extremely rich or probably I haven't yet encountered any poor family.Suddenly the door opened and I stepped in.

"Good day ma'am ",I greeted cheerfully.
She responded sweetly and I asked about the rest of the family.

"Everyone is kinda busy with their own stuffs each to their room",Mrs Smith replied.

They were nice people and I always loved coming here to work,And a family of five,Mrs smith,her husband,Nadine,Chelsea and Maxwell.Mr smith is a white man and his wife a black who has never visited Africa,but she always spoke of visiting Africa one day.All the three kids had a brown skin color none of them actually took their Dad's white skin color. I walked to the backyard and picked up a bucket,sponge with a scrubbing brush,then I moved towards the tap to get water, I mopped the kitchen floor thoroughly and moved towards the hallway,then the sitting room down to the dining,I climbed the staircase to mop there as well, I saw Maxwell glued to his laptop,typing swiftly with his fingers.
"Hi", I said interrupting him a bit.
"Hey Mari",he looked up full of smiles".
I continued with my work and he went on trying to make a conversation

"You look familiar but can't recall where I ever saw you ",he said frowning at bit."but I guess I would get to know"

"Yh sure"I replied.
"You don't seem to like talking "he said now focusing his eyes on the laptop again.

"Yh,I think you are right ", I replied.

I was done with that and excused myself downstairs. I put everything aside and put on a gloves it was time for scrubbing, I moved to the bath and scrubbed thoroughly.In an hours time I was done with my work and I asked to leave.

"Why don't you stay for dinner??"Mrs smith asked. I politely declined but she insisted and I gave in.The family came down to have dinner,it really looked like a royal feast.

"Mama,I don't like this "Nadine said frowning at her food.She is the youngest among them.
Chelsea only rolled her eyes and dug into her food,I picked up my fork to eat,vegetable rice with tomato sauce and grilled chicken.There wasn't chilly in the food it tasted too sweet.but It was really tasty,No one seems to mind Nadine,everyone to his food.she eventually picked her cutlery and started eating,Maxwell only stared at her and went back to his food. I was so much engrossed with my food that I didn't notice that Maxwell was stealing glances at me, I looked up from my food and our eyes met,he only looked away  as if nothing happened.When dinner was over I thanked Mrs Smith and when I was about to walked through the door,Maxwell tapped me.
"Care for a ride" he asked
"No thanks I would do just fine with the bus "I said walking away.

"Hey,let me take you home ",he said firmly.
I kept walking away and I was completely out of the gates unto the pathway,before I knew he spun me around and I almost bumped into him.
"Are you going to force me" I said frowning a little.
"No not that, I just want to get to know you"He said almost pleadingly.

He looked cute as he looked at me,I never really had time to observe his looks,he is
so handsome,with cute thin lips,pointed nose,brown bright eyes and quite tall.
"May I "He said jolting me out of my thoughts.We walked back towards the house and got into the car.When we had finally reached my home he looked surprised.

"Is this where you live??"he asked.
I nodded and looked at him.

"I am a bit confused,do you work here as well"he asked.

"Nope I live with my step dad" I replied.

"You mean Albert Johnson is your step dad,wow",he said

"Why you know him??",I asked now curious.

"Yh he and my dad are somewhat business partners",he replied.

"Oh I see then you would get to know his son Daniel Johnson",I said.

"We have known each other for awhile but due to his busy schedules we hardly meet ".he said.

"Thanks for the ride". I said and opened the door.

"Can I have your personal number??",he asked .

I gave it to him and entered the house,I was so much exhausted, I dipped myself into the bath and allowed the warm water to work on my body, I left the bath sleepy and lazily jumped unto my bed.
The phone beeped and I stretched my hand to pick it.

"Goodnight,Pretty Mari".

A text message from Maxwell, I replied and shut my eyes to sleep.

I had to bring in new characters,hope you loved it,please vote and comment for me

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