𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭

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"Don't you agree?" I laughed with a mouth full off food, Eden shoved me disgusted with my manners.

"Swallow your food! That gross!"

I closed my mouth and chewed a bit longer before being able to swallow. "Sorry, anyway. There,"

"I think so!" Coby laughed agreeing with the statement I had made before having to pause and swallow.

"See!" I said turning to look at Eden, who had crossed her arms over her chest and was looking away from me and Coby unimpressed.

"Idiots," She mumbled under her breath, but I saw too she was trying not to smile.

I loved Eden, obviously in a friend way, but there were certain things she got kinda annoyed about. A big one obviously being Billie. She had this growing insecurity inside of her that people only wanted to be friends with her because she was Billie Joe's sister, Just to get to him, but I didn't even know Eden had a brother when I began to be her friend.

I wouldn't say Billie was popular. But he was definitely well known. All the girls had either once, still do or will have a thing for him. It's a given fact. Apart from me of course, I'm immune to his charm. Funny to think everyone thinks I've actually fallen victim to it since they believe we're a couple... but its actually fake.

But I cant imagine how mad and maybe even upset Eden would be at me when she finds out about this deal I agreed to with Billie Joe.


"That's a tree you idiot," I sighed looking away from the car window and over at Eden who was sat with me in back seat.

"It looked like a person!"

"Erm..." Billie awkwardly spoke turning his head quickly to look back at the both of us before looking back at the road.

"Yeah?" Eden asked confused.


"Yeah?" I asked instead, more confused sounding then Eden was. And inside very nervous.

"Can I talk to you when we get back home? Please? Its kinda- erm... important,"

"Oh... yeah? Sure," I agreed.

"What do you need to talk to her about?" Eden asked Billie with her eyebrows scrunched up confused.

"None of your business," He harshly replied. Obviously not meaning to be harsh, but not wanting to know what about. Which can only mean its probably something to do with mine and his deal.

We got out his car when he finally parked outside the house and walked inside. I took off my coat about to hang it up on the coat hanger before Billie grabbed me by the arm Eagerly to tell me what we needed to talk about, dragging me up the stairs with my coat still in my hand.

"Billie! I was tryna hang up my-"

"-You can throw it on my bed! We need to talk!"

I sighed as he finally let go of me and opened his door walking in as I followed. Billie surprisingly didn't have a messy room. He was hardly ever in it, always in the basement with Mike and Tre for their band which, I'll never admit to him but, was pretty fucking good. I did enjoyed sometimes listening to them from the top of the basement stairs and swaying, nodding my head with the beat.

I had been in Billies room before, a few times... not often. Me and Eden had to come in here when he stole something of Eden's. Basically to retrieve things from his little layer.

I shrugged throwing my coat on Billies made bed before sitting on it. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked him as he sat on his desk chair, but it was rotated so he was facing me and not his desk that was put up against his red wall.

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