𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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I looked longingly at myself in my mirror in my room. I left Eden's early this morning while she was still sleeping.

I breathed out heavily taking the cap off and putting it on backwards. Then judging it. "No that's even worse." I took it off again putting the front to the side before bursting out laughing at myself and throwing it on the floor. "Guess I'll just have to dye it today,"

I picked my phone up hovering over the call icon on Billies contact. The last time I spoke to him was when I walked out the living room last night. Looking back on it I guess I was acting like a baby. Why was I even mad? Because of Mave?

I didn't wanna dye my hair on my own. Normally Eden helped me because I always managed to miss spots in my hair and then it would all be patchy. And I kinda missed Billies company right now. I regretted being weird with him, I should be happy.

Finally I let my finger press the button as I put in on speaker waiting for him to pick up on the other side of the line. Maybe I made a mistake. I should of probably of left it and not call him, hes probably-


"Hi Beej..." I awkwardly said, not sure how to act.

"Hey Birdie, you good? Have I done something again?"

"Oh, no no I'm okay. I was just having a bad day, got sent of class for my cap and it put me in a bad mood." I lied quickly. "So I was thinking about re dying my hair so I don't have to show up in school with it again,"

"Ah, good idea. I did tell you tha-"

"-Yes. I know you did," I laughed. "But I was thinking... do you wanna help me? Its just that- well- normally Eden helps me out and I always end up missing-"

"-Course... I- I mean, sure. Yeah sure I guess I could help,"

"Sick, come with me to the shops to pick up the hair dye?"

"Sounds good,"


"Not that shade Blaze," I muttered to myself looking through the colours of boxed hair dye.

I had lost Billie somewhere around the store. He got distracted and strolled away like a child.

I browsed down the isle. Trying to figure out if I wanted to just say fuck it and dye my hair completely black or actually find this right shade. Maybe I could pull of black? Or maybe I would look absolutely terrible and end up having to kill my hair more to go back to the colour I have now.


I flinched dropping the box of hair dye as it hit the floor and I looked over at Billie who's smile faded.

"Jesus Beej you scared me,"


I bent down picking the box back up as I looked back at him. "Whats up?"

"Look at this," He grinned widely holding up a box of blue hair dye.

"What about it?"

"Isn't it a cool colour?"

"What you've never seen the colour blue before?"

"No, I mean- the shade. Isn't it sick?"

"I guess?"


"Yes Billie?"

"Do you... well y'know... just thinking out loud here, do you think... that... it would maybe suit me?"

"You wanna dye your hair blue?" I asked for the confirmation. Smiling slightly from the right corner of my mouth as he nodded.

"I mean- I think it would look cool y'know? But I don't know,"

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