𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧

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"I don't like those things though," I bluntly mumbled across the table to my mom.

She sighed, crossing it off her list. "Alright... what about cafés? Rome has some lovely little cafés, there's even a cat café right down the street from-"

"-I'm allergic to cats,"

"You are?"

"Yes. And I hate them,"

"Well normal cafés?"

"I hate them too. They're too tiny and over filled and useless,"

She blew her jaws again, drawing the pen over the café idea. "Alright, well there's great warm wether over there, we could-"

"-I hate being too warm,"

"You seem to hate everything,"

"You'd know exactly the things I hated if you took more interest," I grumbled, my chin resting on my hand.

"Blaze Joy, listen to me. Rome is beautiful, I think you'll really like it there and-"

"-But I like it here. I don't need to move, none of us do,"

"And what about David?"

"Why can't he move to us?"

"Because Blaze," Her voice was at the end of her line of patients as it became more sturdy and harsh. "He owns a lovely house in Rome in this beautiful friendly little village and he has given us the opportunity to live there,"

"You've not even been with him for that long to know him,"

"It's been a year,"

"And you want to move in with him? Stupid,"

"And who are you as my daughter to tell me who to date when you don't know what I've been through in other past relationships?"

"And who are you as my mother to tell me where to move my life, when you barely participate in it as it is,"

She didn't like that. She tightened her expression, her lips set in a hard line as she scrunched up her eye brows at me. "Don't," was all she said, warning me.

But I wanted to push. I had every reason to push. "It's true. You're never here for me-"

"-I still have the house bills paid, I send money through, I-"

"-You do all that because you're not there. If you didn't it would be litetal neglect. Y'know what? Despite the money. I could live perfectly with out you,"

"Oh you think so?"

"Yeah, I do think so. You've never been there before, who's to say I even want you here now?"

Her expression faded. I think that was a bit too far.

"I'm going to Billies." I let out, getting out of my seat from the table as I walked away. I let myself out, slightly slamming the door behind me as I began to walk to Billies and Eden's house.

I guess now I really was referring to it as just Billies home.

There was no way I was moving. I would rather stay home and have her and David continue to pay for my bills than go all the way to fucking Rome. I hate that place, mostly because it was where she wanted us to go.

I had no doubts it probably was a beautiful place. I bet it was fantastic, breath takingly heavenly.

But I don't like fantastic. I don't like breath takingly heavenly.

I like things that are a little bit ruined and a little bit messed up. Sort of destroyed and imperfect.

Safe to say, I wasn't a Rome type of person. But I guess after all my mom was.

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