The Second Day

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Chapter Twenty

The Second Day

-Eva’s Point of View-

John wheels breakfast in on his trolley. “Morning.” He greets as he picks up the cereal. Last night was another restless night, after lunch I just sat there on the bench doing nothing. Sometimes I would get up and pace around the cell but time passed slowly and Henry was right, I had lots of time to think about my execution.

I eye the food, milk and crunchy wheat5 substances with some juice. “Morning.” I reply as he feeds me the cereal. I wish they would loosen the chain on these handcuffs just a bit so that I could at least feed myself. “What’s in store for me today?”

John thinks for a moment, he looks into the distance, his eyes glazed over. He puts a finger on his chin, something I’ve seen him do before, he’s about to say something when the door opens.

My jaw drops before I quickly snap it back closed, my eyes narrow at the woman. Her brown hair is shorter than it was before, cut a little shorter than shoulder length. The tops are dyed pastel pink and blue. She wears a seductive tight white leotard with long white lace up boots and a long white jacket. She folds her arms as she sees me.

“Hello Eva.” Darla greets curtly, the distaste clear in her voice.

I roll my eyes, “Hello Darla.”

John looks awkwardly between us two. Without her eyes moving Darla points to the door behind her, her nails are painted a light blue. “Out.” She snaps. This whole sexy, badass Darla looks wrong.

John looks back at me but Darla raises her voice louder, “Out!” John doesn’t need another telling, his hands clasp around the trolley and he wheels it out hurriedly. Darla puts her arms back only when he leaves.

We say nothing. Darla doesn’t look like the sobbing weak girl she was before, now she seems stronger, angrier, jealous. I suppose it’s not surprising that I met her again, I just completely forgot about her being in this cell.

“Tell me, is it nice being able to sleep with my boyfriend finally?” She says icily, tearing through the silence and confirming my suspicions of jealousy.

I smirk, teasing her will be fun. I want to see her cry and fall before me. I tilt my head to the side, “Oh it’s great, he loves finally having me.” I retort back.

Darla glares at me furiously; she kicks her high heeled boot into my gut and then grabs my face with her pointy fingers. “You stupid bitch, you don’t seem to understand what a losing situation you’re in.”

I spit her in the face, she screams and doubles back, ripping a handkerchief out of her coat and wiping my saliva off with a horrified look on her face. I smirk, this is too much fun. Once she rids her face of my spit she turns to me with even more fury. She raises her hand up, ready to backhand me when the door opens again.

A toothbrush haired person who carries a stupid look opens the door. I roll my eyes in utter disgust, Troy. He puts his arm around Darla’s waist who buries her face dramatically in his shoulder. He rubs her back, glaring at me.

At least I can piss them both of. “I’m confused, do you like Troy or do you just like him for re-bound?” I say, “Surely it’s not for his brains or looks since he has none?”

Troy lets go of Darla and punches me in the jaw. “You killed my brother.” He hisses. I forgot about that.

“And you’re a bitch so it’s all fair.” I say evenly, earning me another punch in the face.

Troy and Darla’s eyes shoot daggers at me, “Unlike you we graduated from school and went to university. I did some serious study and now I work in a high paying job for a great man who will bring you filthy dark powers to justice.”

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