The Happy Ending

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Chapter Twenty Four

The Happy Ending

After Henry Roht’s death and some more cheering, we return to the mansion, Calista is the first to embrace her father. She cries into his chest with happiness and he cries, holding her tightly. Calista had stayed at the mansion with Lloyd and Zaebos, as those two couldn’t go out in the sunlight.

I rush to Zaebos and I stroke him happily, bringing him closer to me. More people arrive at the mansion, I look to see it’s William, Lavender, Hugo and a boy who I’ve never met. The boy runs to me and I can see the resemblance to me in his eyes, he throws his arms around me, causing Zaebos to caw and fly to Duke’s shoulder. “Big sister, I finally get to meet you!” He exclaims with teary eyes.

“You’re my little brother?” I whisper, bending down to his height.

He nods happily, “I’m Oliver. I’m not ‘Tene’ like you like I’d hoped I would be but I’m like Duke.”

I smile, so he’s a Medious. That is good for the Morthimer family. “Why would you want to be like me?”

“Because you’re my idol.” He grins cutely.

I hug him tightly; I have a feeling this boy is going to be very close to me. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I let go of Oliver to see my parents had followed us to the mansion.

“Evangeline… we’ve been horrible parents… Evangeline please forgive us.” My dad begins.

“Yes, you have.” I snap, turning away from them. They gasp, not expecting me to actually agree with them. “You through me out of the house, disowned me and refused to lift a finger to help me but you know what?”I glare at them furiously; they take a step back in fear. I crack into a smile, unable to hold my act any longer, “My friend’s call me Eva and I would be more than happy to have parents again.” My parents sigh with relief, hugging me tightly.

“Wow Eva you should never tell jokes you’ll scare everyone half to death!” Jett comments, breaking the moment.

I punch him in the shoulder and he punches me back. We laugh with each other. Our eyes meet and I can see Jett growing up before me in my mind, we made it through, both of us. I hug Jett tightly and he hugs me too. When I pull away from him he flicks my forehead and I glare at him, we turn away from each other but smile.

My mother grabs my hand and pulls me away, her eyes pouring into mine. I shift uncomfortably in her grasp, “Eva dear, I can’t believe it. All these years we’ve obsessed over thinking that the child born with direct connection to our ancestors and the meteorite, harnessing pure magic meant they would be light powered. We were so stupid, of course it’s you.” She kisses me on the forehead.”

So that explains that power that I suddenly gained and why I have always been exceptionally strong.

We eventually all sit down in one of the parlours. I tell everyone what happened during the three days and told them about John. We will give him a burial in a few days time.

I have a shower and change my clothes and we all enjoy a big dinner, I hadn’t relies until the food was placed in front of me how hungry I was. I hadn’t eaten lunch and I scoffed down plate after plate until I felt like I would burst. Everyone celebrated happily with each other, my parents and Valentine were in a long conversation through dinner and they both look very intrigued.

After dinner we sit down to watch the replay of today’s events.

“Hey, I look pretty good standing up on that building there.” Jett says as the Jett on TV appears on top the building.

We laugh at his comment. I look at Duke, we’re at the back of the room, I want to stare at Duke forever, I only lost him and now I treasure every moment with him even more. “I love you Duke.” I whisper as the conversation with us appears. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me on the cheek. I smile and kiss him on the lips.

“I’m never letting anything like that happen to you again.” He whispers back, kissing me again.

The TV shows Henry disappear and I grab Duke’s hand, the rest is just cheering we don’t need to watch that. Duke follows my lead and we leave the room to my room, we can finally be alone again.


The next day an unexpected visitor arrives at the door. Duke, Jett and I stare awkwardly at Darla who stares back at us.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers with a shaky voice before bursting into tears.

None of us know how to react. Instead of Duke going out to hug her though, I walk over to her and hug her. She her arms around me and cries into my shoulder, “T-Troy wanted to take revenge and he was planning to bomb the mansion and I couldn’t take it and I…I poisoned his drink!” She cries even harder.

“You poisoned his drink?” Jett repeats, astounded. Darla nods sadly.

Jett pauses then cracks into a smile, “Well done!” He exclaims, picking Darla up and hugging her.

Darla looks very surprised at Jett hugging her, he’s never been nice to her and she’s never been nice to him. She smiles brightly at us, I think Jett and I are really getting better at this sort of thing.

Darla looks at Duke and I feel an awkward atmosphere rise. She hugs him quickly and he hugs her back but she quickly pulls away, looking between Duke and I, “I’m not lying when I say that you two look so much cuter together than I ever did.” She giggles, poking me cheekily on the cheek.

I smile back at her, she is really nice. Maybe Henry just screwed us all up a little. Now that he’s gone, we can start again.


We had John’s funeral, a lot of scientists turned up and I learnt more about him. His family were mortal scientists and when they discovered he had powers they experimented on him. He ran away and found magic people where he became a scientist among us. He was hired by Henry over 10 years ago and hardly got out from the basement; he lived in the skyscraper and never married. He wasn’t happy with his life but a man who claimed to be his best friend said that I lit something inside him, he was more alive in the last few days with me then he had been for years.


A week later Valentine had his ceremony for becoming the year ruler of all powered beings. The speech he made touched the hearts of everyone and historians will right about it for eternity, “My people, I promised to bring equality, so, to do this the first thing I want to make clear- there is no dark powers and light powers. Some people may have power that is darker and have more offensive attacks whereas other can heal and defend; either way is neither better than the other and neither is evil. What defines if you’re the villain or the hero is your actions. From now on, people of Atmos let us all be called Termin. This is a beginning of a new era- where you can learn any power you wish, explore the power you have inside and be who you want to be!”

The crowd cheered for their new leader, he took his place in his massive new mansion in the middle of the once dead city of Atmos now called- Potent.

For a large part of my life, I had believed that I was the bad person, the villain. I did some mean thins but in the end it was all because of two big stereotypes. It doesn’t matter what you look like, what you dress like, your interests or what power you hold inside. What matters is who you are as a person. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

Happy endings can happen, if you’re prepared to live for it.

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