The Familiarity

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Chapter Ten- The Familiarity

Zaebos dives down from the sky and lands on my shoulder, squawking and twitching his head. I’ve never seen anyone move so fast, I’m sorry but I lost them within a few seconds.

I sick my fingers out in front of Zaebos and her steps onto them, his claws circling my fingers. I pat his head softly muttering, “That’s okay, you tried.”

“Any idea of where they may have gone?” Duke asks Lloyd who had calmed down now.

His eyebrows pull together in concentration and he holds one arm as he rests his head on his palm, “I think I do, the place isn’t hard to find like this place but there’s security everywhere.”

I stretch my arm out and Zaebos walks up it and back onto my shoulder. I love the feel of Zaebos on my shoulder, it a comforting feeling. I look up at the sky, I can see we only have a few hours left until the sun will set.

“I think we can deal with that. Can you morph?” Duke speaks again, looking at Lloyd who is staring at the ground.

Lloyd looks at him now, he swallows anxiously and his posture bends timidly. I understand, “You don’t have any powers do you?” I press, stepping closer to him.

He looks at me sadly and shakes his head, “I live on a farm, the only other living thing than trees and wildlife and it’s over an hour’s walk away; I’m just a simple sheep-shearing and wood-chopping man.”

“Then how did you get to Calista so quickly?” Duke questions, right on his trail. Lloyd kicks his foot uneasily. We step closer to him but even though he’s acting uncomfortably I can’t help but think he doesn’t seem that intimidated.

“Uh… that was Calista’s power, she sent her power to me and I could sprint here with incredible speed.” He explains but I still don’t buy it.

I nod slowly anyway, he needs our help so why what does it matter if he decides not to trust us? “Well,” I continue, “We better hurry to this place then. Duke you morph, I’ll carry you and Lloyd, it will take longer but it’s the best we can do. “

 Zaebos flies off my shoulder and circles us excitedly. “By the way,” I turn to Lloyd and smile, “My name is Eva.” Duke introduces himself too and Lloyd watches in awe and Duke’s body twists and shrinks into a cat form. He meowed at Lloyd who jumps at the noise. I guess that Calista can’t morph. I stretch my back and my wings burst out. They extended for meters behind me before I bring them to my body into a folded position. Lloyd looks at me now with awe.

“I wish I had powers…” He mumbles under his breath.

Lloyd’s eye are on the ground again and he doesn’t expect it when I wrap my arms around him suddenly. “Dark powers are the best.” I say into his ear, smirking. His body goes rigid from the sound of my voice and almost doesn’t catch Duke when he jumps into his arms, Duke hisses as he almost drops him.

I bend my knees and then kick off the ground into the air. I flap my wings strongly to gain height until we’re above the trees and looking out at the massive forest below us.

Lloyd yelps and wriggles, I have to squeeze onto him to keep him from falling. “Calm down or I’ll drop you and make you walk.” I snap.

Lloyd stops tensely before slowly relaxing, “Sorry.” He apologizes and looks around at the sun and then east of it. “I don’t know what the place is called but Calista has been there a few times and as if she knew a day like this may come she’s told me the way.”

We fly for hours; my wings grow increasingly tired from flying against the wind as well as carrying a full grown muskier man in my arms. I could have flown the distance in half the time if I was only holding Duke but there was no way Lloyd would let us go by ourselves.

The sun was well into setting and I groan, breaking the silence that we had kept for the last hour, “Ok, I’m tired and soon it will be too dark for you to see, we should stop.”

Lloyd was already shaking his head before I could finish, “No, we’re really close. Only another thirty minutes probably, can you hold on?”

I flap my wings in a big stroke, jumping further across the air, “Of course I can.” But my wings are feeling the strain.

Thirty minutes pass and we’re still flying. The sky is dark now and the air is cold. I’m about to snap at Lloyd when he points ahead of us at a town. “There! This is the town, she won’t be far! We can’t see it right now but even with the darkness you can’t hide a mansion.”

We fly high above the town so we’re obscured; I look down at the streets hundreds of feet below, trying to ignore the cold. We pass the town square, I’ve been here before. Maybe on a mission but I can’t quite remember exactly.

Another ten minutes pass before we finally reach the mansion. As soon as I see the garden the feeling of familiarity intensifies. It’s nagging me in the back of my mind but I push the thought aside, I just have to be wary of my surroundings. I drop between some plants and trees.

Lloyd pulls free of my grasp and looks at the mansion. I fall to the ground and heave a sigh of relief, closing my eyes. I feel something soft on my arm and I open my eyes. Duke’s cat eyes stare into mine.

The place is crowded, Zaebos caws as he returns from scouting the area, causing me to look away from Duke. He had flown ahead of us and assessed the mansion. Calista is up in one of the rooms, guards march along the balcony and all around the house.

I lift myself up, my fatigue wearing off slightly. Duke stands up and stalks towards the mansion, his tail twitching. We can all get it, but Lloyd will have to stay here.

I agree with Duke, Lloyd will be more of a burden than a help but he will not like the idea. “We’ll bring Calista to you, okay?” I say, shaking off my tired limbs.

He shakes his head vigorously, “No, you won’t leave me here. I’m coming with!”

I put my hand on his shoulder, “We’ll be quick.”

I take my hand away and my body shrinks into a crow. I fly into the air with Zaebos, Duke is already trotting his way over.

No,” Lloyd growls, a new tone of voice comes from him. I turn to look at him; his fists are clenched so hard his knuckles are turning white.

Sorry, I say, but right not the most help you can do is wait for us to return. With that I fly away.

I feel slightly guilty for leaving him like that it’s true, he can’t help us right now. I land on the balcony edge, my clams gripping onto it. Zaebos caws, attracting the guards attention to where he is perched. They look at him curiously, poking their fingers at him. He snaps his beak at one of them and they laugh, happy to have something interesting happen to them after probably many house of nothing.

Duke had made his way up and he reaches the balcony, pushing open the door and squeezing his slender body through. I follow quickly behind him, flapping my wings hurriedly before the door closes and as Zaebos caws louder.

Calista is sitting on the bed, her head hanging despondently.

The familiarity is back but this time much stronger. I’m more than sure of it now, I feel  like screaming as loud as Calista had and running down those stairs.

I don’t need to though because before Duke can stalk over to the bed, a man walks through the door.

The tall man stands by the door, brown hair neatly pushed off his face, clothes classy and shoes polished.

What stands out is his hazel-brown eyes, almost identical to mine. It is William, my older brother. This is my old house and this is my old room.

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