The Time Passed

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Chapter Three-

I walk down the streets of Constance, avoiding any interaction with people. I had arrived in the city late at night and as soon as I reached my hotel room I fell asleep straight away. I’m not sure you can even call it a room, the hotel is owned by Valentine so I was offered the biggest room and penthouse but that is the room Valentine normally stays in and it feels like an intrusion on my Master’s superiority.

So instead, I got the floor below that. It has a kitchen, dining room, 2 bathrooms, lounge room and two bedrooms. Compared to a normal family sized house, it’s just an average sized apartment but it’s so luxurious and spacious for a hotel room.

I have been walking around for at least 3 hours now, I have seen massive amounts of people but none are the one I’m looking for. I’ve passed so many café’s and coffee shops that as I pass another one, I turn on a 90 degree angle straight for the shop. I’m really craving a hot beverage after all this walking.

I go to the counter, dropping my head to the floor and taking some money out of my pocket. “A large Mocha please.” I mutter to the person on the register.

“Sure, we’ll just be a few minutes, please wait there.” The register girl says, tapping my order into her computer and cashing in my money. She gestures to the right and I step aside.

I wait for my drink, observing the shop from under my hood. Lumin sit on one side of the room and Tene on the other, you can tell who is who because the Lumin tend to carry a calming, cheerful manner while wearing bright clothes. Tene on the other hand, wear dark clothes, seclude themselves and have a hostile aura around them.

It surprises me to see this, I hardly go to these parts of cities, so I’ve never really had the chance to see just how much of an effect this war is causing, other than the death of course.

I’ll finish this war, things will be better. I vow to myself. My eyes catch on a Lumin sitting by himself and sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper.

The front page has a large picture of the two criminals who attacked the plane I was on, I squint my eyes to make out the title. Cupid of Death; a Hero? It read, moving slightly closer I try to make out the writing beneath it; War causes Roht to use mortals to defeat his enemy’s most dangerous servant.

“Order for a large mocha?” A voice yells from behind me.

I snap my gaze away and take the mocha, murmuring a thanks. I move closer to the paper again, before I knew it I’m a metre away from the man. Ikol’s loyal servant saves mortals from attack on a plane on the 2nd of October. Evangeline Mort was boarding a mortal plane for unknown suspicious reasons when the plane was attacked 1 hour from arrival. Mort fought off the burglars, receiving a gun shot from the high-jackers. A witness claims…

The text continues on but I can’t read more as the newspaper folded down suddenly to reveal the chubby and wrinkly face of a man. I smile awkwardly, backing away. His eyes squint for a moment at me then they suddenly widen and he stands up, “It’s you, the Cupid of Death!” He exclaims, pointing at me. Everyone in the shop stops to look at me.

I lift my hands up in submission but then I raise one of my eyebrows, “Wait, the what?”

Tene are staring at me with awe in their eyes, Lumin stare at me with both fear and anger. An extra angry Lumin stands up and advances towards me, he rolls his sleeves up, preparing to fight me.

I take this as my cue to leave and run out the shop, pulling my hood back over my face and mixing in with the crowds of people. Once I’m a safe distance away from the shop I take a sip from my Mocha, it’s warm contents instantly comforting me.

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