♡Chapter 13♡

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"Memories are playing in my dull mind." - Tori Kelly

Jungkook's POV

After a long 12+ hour flight from Seoul and back to Chicago, I crashed in bed. I didn't even put my belongings away, just stripped my clothes off and snuggled into my sheets. I arrived at my empty house around 10 am, which is midnight in Seoul. I was told by my aunt and uncle to call them when I got home, however, I am too tired to complete such an easy task.

3 p.m.

I was in the middle of a dream when I suddenly woke up drenched and cold. My eyes meet playful hazel ones and a headful of blonde hair.

"Hey, coz! Glad you woke up! My mom is not happy that you didn't call her," Jae-Sun says while looking down at me with a genuine smile.

How could this dude look at me like that after covering me in water to wake me up? I look at Jae-Sun in disbelief and grab the comforter to cover myself in the now wet bedsheets.  He snatches them from me, making sure to hold them tightly in his hand.

"Jae-Sun, why are you here? I'm trying to get some sleep and mind you know that in Seoul it's 5 am!" I groan.

"Yes, I know, but don't you have things you need to do?" He asks.

I give him a puzzled look which causes him to roll his eyes.

"First off, I am crashing with you until your parents come back and second off,  don't you have a Math League competition coming up?" He asks.

My eyes widen like saucers and I soon feel hot anxiety wash over me. I did study a little bit for the competition, but not enough.

"I'm assuming that's a no."

"What am I gonna do?? It's Tuesday and tomorrow I'm not going to school because of jet lag and we leave for the competition Friday!" I say.

I am so anxious and stressed, that I feel light-headed and nauseous. The last thing I want to do is be the reason we don't finish our first ML competition strong.

"Get a tutor," Jae-Sun says like it's the most obvious thing to do.

"Tutor? When am I going to have time for a tutor and who would tutor me?" I ask just feeling the stress engulf 90 percent of my body.

"Jasmine," He bluntly responds.

My heart races at the sound of her name and my body feels even hotter. I think I'm going to vomit. It's been a while since I have been alone with Jasmine for a long period of time. Comforting her was different, but I can't imagine how I'd react with her over at my house to help me study. We are going to be in such close proximity to one another and I might die from butterflies!

When we were dating, Jasmine and I studied together a lot. She'd bribe me with snacks from the Korean market like I was a little kid. I remember the times she'd scold me when I would take many trips to the bathroom when studying for the math. 

"Dude, calm down. This is going to be your chance to swoop in and get your woman,"  He says with a smirk.

"But that's not supposed to be the main outcome; it's to excel at all the math problems I am not good at," I reply.

Jae-Sun shakes his head and grabs my phone from my nightstand. 

"Call her right now," He demands.

He is wearing a much more serious look on his face and doesn't seem like he's playing games. I almost forgot I'm the hyung based on his scolding stare. I hesitantly, grab the phone from him and dial the familiar digits. Each time the phone rang, the harder my heart would pump. Ringggggg~ Bu---bump---bu---bump. Ringgggggg~ Bu--bump--bu--bump. Ringgggg~ Bu-bump-bu-bump. Ringgggg~ Bubumpbubump! The phone finally clicked and at that moment, my heart stopped until I heard it...

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