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Sutton and I sit in the theater, watching the movie. He's been really handsy, touching my arms and thighs, being close to me. It's kind of starting to weird me out. I came here with him as friends, and this is not how you touch friends.
"Sav you look so good tonight." He says.
"Uhm, thanks." I say, wondering why the fuck he's interrupting the move at one of the most intense parts. Shut the hell up I'm trying to pay attention!
His hands grasp at my face, turning me to look at him. It's not like Tom did last night, Sutton's movements are much more aggressive and forceful.
He presses his lips to mine with no warning, his tongue slamming through the walls of my lips and into my mouth. I quickly push him off me, standing up.
"You're disgusting. Do not call me." I say, moving out of the isle and walking quickly down to the exit.
I pull out my phone, calling Haz.
"Hey." He answers.
"Can you come pick me up from the theater?" I ask.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm good, just please come get me." I say.
"We're already out, and a few blocks down. Be there in a sec." he says.
"What the fuck did he do?" I hear Tom ask before we hang up.
"Savannah really?" I hear, looking up to see Sutton walking out of the theater.
"You already knew I wasn't into you like that." I state.
"Come on! Every girl is into me like that. What's this about? Is it Tom? Everything he says is a lie." He shakes his head.
"Actually Tom hasn't said anything about you other than that I need to stay away, and obviously he was right because you took me pulling my face away from you as an invitation to shove your tongue down my throat." I say.
I see Haz's black car pull up, and it doesn't even come to a complete stop before I see Tom getting out of the car.
"What'd you do to her you fucking pig? Huh? The fuck did you do?!" Tom asks angrily, pushing Sutton away from me.
"Tom nothing happened. Let's go." I say desperately.
"All I did was kiss her man! She's just a prude little bitch!" Sutton exclaims.
That really wasn't the right answer..
"You piece of shit.. you really are as fucking dumb as you look." Tom says, pulling his fist back to throw a punch to Sutton's face, making him stumble backwards.
"Come on." Haz says, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away from the scene.
"Tom." I say firmly. "It's not worth it. He's just pissed he can't get in my pants. Leave it alone."
Tom being someone that doesn't walk away from a fight, looks back to me before turning to a bloodied nose Sutton.
"Stay away from her." He warns, walking back to the car with me and Haz.
I get in the front seat, and Haz drives away.
"I knew I should have listened to Tom." Haz sighs.
"Yeah well I should have too." I say.
Tom looks at me from the backseat with softness in his eyes. A softness I've never really seen in him before. We get home, and go inside. It feels good to be home and not with some grimey scummy boy.
"Anyone down to eat snacks and watch love island?" I ask, just wanting to turn this night into something good.
"Can't, I've got a paper due tomorrow and I'm probably gonna be up half the night finishing it." Haz says.
"Alright.. what about you Tom?" I ask.
He looks almost surprised that I'm asking him to watch the show with me, considering we never watch it together without Haz. Normally we just opt to watch it alone, but I think Tom and I have bonded a little more.
"Yeah, sure." He nods.
"You get the snacks, I'll get my laptop set up." I say.
As he goes into the kitchen, I grab my laptop from its charger and carry it back to my room. I set it up, pulling all my extra pillows out to make it even more cozy. Tom soon comes in with snacks in hand, setting them all down on the bed and shutting the door.
"I should have listened to you." I say as he sits down next to me. "He was a bad kisser too.. it was kind of disgusting."
He laughs lightly as the show plays in the background.
"Told you no one would be better than me." He teases.
"It was so slobbery." I giggle. "I deserve a better kiss than whatever that shit was."
"Yeah you do." He says, his head resting against the wall behind us as he looks at me.
I turn to him, really trying to restrain myself, but why should I? If he wants me.. and I want him.. what's the point?
I lean in, pressing my lips to his. I can feel him smile into the kiss, grabbing my hips and pulling me into his lap. I pull away for a split second, making him frown.
"Haz can't know." I say.
"As long as you can be quiet, we won't have a problem." He says, his thumb running over my bottom lip before pressing through my lips into my mouth. "Think you can do that for me sweetheart?"
"Mhm." I hum around him, and he pulls his finger from my mouth with a pop.
"Good girl." He says. "Get on your back."
I hop off of Toms lap excitedly, grabbing all the stuff off my bed and putting it on the floor, then laying back on my bed. He presses a few heavy kisses to my lips as he unbuttons my jeans, pulling them down my legs and tossing them across the room.
He pulls my knees up under his arms, letting his lips roam my inner thighs and his finger tips press into my skin. Just as he starts to get close to my center I let out a breathy moan, making him lift his head instantly.
"I don't want to hear a sound out of you or the gag goes on." He says firmly.
"Yes sir." I say, making him smile wider than I've ever seen before.

A/N: I've said it once and I'll say it again. Kinky Tom is elite and is my favorite along with over protective Tom.

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