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As the night slowly comes to an end, everyone moves outside to watch a fire performer. Ive been seeing this show every year since I was nine, so I'm kind of over it. I got a blanket from upstairs, laying it on the grass so we can lay back and watch the stars, away from the crowd. I love my cousins backyard, it's right next to a lake, and gives a great view of the stars at night.
"How are you feeling?" Tom asks.
"Amazing." I smile. "Because I'm with you."
"Yeah okay but like.. anything else? At all?" He says, taking the moment from being romantic and relaxing to weird. What is he getting at?
"Maybe I should be asking you how you're feeling? Obviously something is wrong?" I question.
"I just want you to know that you can tell me anything. I'm always going to be here for you." He says.
"That's really sweet Tom." I smile.
"So if there's anything you want to say..." he trails off.
"Oh my god what are you implying?" I groan, just wanting him to get to the point. "Do you think I'm cheating on you or something?"
"Definitely not. Every guy is scared of me, they know better." He says cockily, making me roll my eyes.
"If you're not going to tell me what's wrong then can we go back to enjoying the view?" I ask.
He looks over to me, his lips pressing together like he wants to say something, but doesn't know how.
"I um.." he starts. "I saw the pregnancy tests in the trash can."
I sit up quickly, completely shocked that he thinks it's mine. He knows how careful we've been, there's no way that would happen to us.
"Tom it's-"
"Hold on, before you say anything." He says, sitting up and grabbing my hands in his. "I just want you to know that I'm going to be here every step of the way. This is my baby too and I will support you, and give you two the life you deserve-"
"Tom I'm not pregnant." I interrupt him.
He drops my hands, confusion spread across his face.
"What? But the tests were positive-"
"The tests were Hannah's. She's pregnant. Not me." I say.
I watch as his face falls, letting out the breath he was holding. Was he.. excited?
"Oh.." he nods.
"Aw bub you were happy weren't you?" I ask.
"Well I mean.. I was scared but.. I was thinking of names and stuff." He shrugs, making me frown.
"I'm sorry.. I should have hid them better." I say.
"No this is a good thing. We couldn't have handled a baby right now.. and you're in school, it would have been too much. I just thought.. you know, we'd be a family." He mumbles.
"We will be a family. One day. Just not this time.. this is Haz's time. We're going to have a new niece or nephew though, it'll be like a practice run." I giggle.
"But you do wants babies with me one day?" Tom asks.
"Of course." I say.
Tom is so much sweeter and more loving than he shows. This moment, right here, proves that. I love this man with my whole heart, and one day he will make an amazing father, but for now he's going to have to settle for being an amazing boyfriend.
"Oh my god.. Haz is gonna have a baby." He says, now coming to the realization of what's happening.
"Crazy right?" I shake my head. "And he doesn't even know yet."
"He doesn't?!" Tom exclaims.
"Nope. And you can't say anything until he does."
"It was so nice having everyone together." My mum says as she hugs everyone goodbye.
She pulls me and Haz off to the side, giving us both a big smile.
"You two have made me very proud. You're growing up, and I'm so happy to see you both so happy." She says.
"Thanks mum." I grin.
"Really, you're proud that she's dating Tom?" Haz jokes and I nudge him with my elbow.
"Tom is a wonderful young man, Harrison." She scolds.
"Yeah Harrison." I stick my tongue out at him.
We say our goodbyes, and head out. Tom and I drop Haz and Hannah off at Hannah's house, all of us knowing what's about to happen except Haz, who is still completely clueless of the whole situation.
I text Hannah a quick good luck as Tom starts driving us back home. His hand rests on my thigh, moving up and down slowly. He's teasing me, it's especially obvious when I look over to see the smirk on his face.
He pushes my long dress aside, and runs his fingers across the hem of my panties. My body stiffens, at the contact, making me hold my breath.
"Relax darling.." he coos. "We will be home soon."
"Please just park the car." I plead.
He looks over to me with his brow raised, testing me to see if I will actually do it.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yes. Please sir." I say, using the word he likes so much.
He's quick to turn a corner, pulling the car off to the side of the road next to an empty parking lot. He starts to loosen his tie, pulling it over his head as I climb into the backseat with a giggle as I fumble over my dress.
His eyes connect with mine through the rear view mirror, amusement shinning in his gaze at me. He gets out, and opens the door to the backseat.
I hold my hands out to him, seeing his tie hanging around his neck.
"Not tonight sweetheart." He says. "Turn around."
I do as told, turning my back to him. Soon my sight is taken, his tie being placed over my eyes and wrapped around my head. He ties it in the back, pulling at it to make sure it's not too tight.
"Turn back around." He orders.
I turn back to him, jumping slightly when I feel his hand glide down my cheek.
"Can you see anything?" He asks.
I shake my head no, then feel his hand collide lightly with the skin of my inner thigh, making me gasp.
"You know how I feel about you using your words." He says.
"No. I can't see." I answer.
His hands move behind me, pulling the zipper of my dress down. The straps fall off my shoulders, and I lift myself up slightly as he pulls it down off me.
The softness soon turns aggressive, his hand grasping my jaw tightly and I feel his hot breath on my neck right under my ear.
"We're in the middle of nowhere, no one around. Be as loud as you want."

A/N: guys the boy I like literally got off work, bought me cookies, and brought them to me since I was having bad period cramps🥺💞 he's such a sweetie pie.

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