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Not only have I gotten tons of studying done, but Tom and I were having a blast together. Who knew that studying psychology would be such a fun thing to do together. Every time I get a question right, he throws a fruit snack into my mouth. Although I don't catch them most of the time it's still fun and makes us crack up laughing.
"What part of the brain controls your hormones?" He asks.
"The pituitary gland." I answer.
"Ding ding ding you got it right!" He exclaims, tossing a strawberry gummy which I successfully catch, throwing my fist into the air in victory.
Haz and Hannah went on a date tonight, and although Tom had other plans for how we could spend our evening alone, here we are, in our sweat pants, answering psyc questions.
There's a knock on the door, and I jump up from my seat.
"Pizza time!" I say excitedly.
I open the door, anger rushing through my veins.
"Are you kidding?" I say.
"If you just heard me out we wouldn't have a problem!" He yells at me. "God you're just as self centered and bitchy as you use to be!"
I take a step back, not liking how he's yelling at me.
"What the fuck do you think your doing yelling at my girlfriend like that?" Tom makes his way up behind me, opening the door wider.
I tried. I tried to keep him out of this. I tried to keep our relationship in a happy little bubble, but it couldn't last forever. With Henry showing up like this I can't hide it.
"Ah.. so you're the new boyfriend. Not what I expected at all." Henry says.
Henry and Tom never met. He never liked the idea of me being around other guys, so I kept him away from the house when Tom was over. I knew he wouldn't like another guy being around me all the time or sleeping over.
"Who even are you?" Tom asks.
"Henry. Might have heard of me?" He says.
I instantly see Toms face fill with rage, his fists clenching tightly as he scowls at Henry with disgust.
"Get the fuck out of here, and stay away from my girl or I will end you." He warns. "Do so much as look in her direction again and I will break your jaw you hear me?"
"I get it, the whole over protective boyfriend act? Yeah that used to be me. Except I was a whole lot more convincing." Henry smirks.
Tom grabs him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward before slamming him up against the wall. He holds him there with his arm across his chest, getting close to his face.
"How's that for convincing?" Tom says. "Fuck off."
He throws Henry out, slamming the door.
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and Tom grabs my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" He asks me.
"Yes.." I say. "I've just never seen you like that before.. other than when you punched Sutton."
His face falls instantly, obviously feeling bad.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, did I scare you? I didn't mean to." He says, pulling me into his arms.
I rest my head on his chest, taking in his calming scent. I don't like seeing him like that at all..
"You're going to be mad at me." I comment, pulling from his hug.
He gives me a concerned look, waiting for me to elaborate.
"he was the one who knocked on the door this morning, and he came to the school." I say.
"Why would I be mad at you? You were nervous and that's perfectly understandable. I'm more so concerned that he was following you, that's not okay." He says. "If he shows up again, you need to tell me. Okay? So I can take care of it."
"Okay." I nod.

_____One Week Later_____

This past week has flown by. Everything has calmed down with the boy drama. I haven't seen Henry since that night at the house, Sutton has left me alone after a few verbal threats from Tom and my brother, and I did much better on my quiz this week thanks to my study sessions with Tom.
Halloween, and the charity ball are only in a few short days, and I'm practically bursting with excitement. This will be the first time Tom and I go to an event with my family as a couple. I can guarantee they will be completely shocked. Haz is bringing Hannah as his date too, so they're getting two relationship announcements in one night.
The only problem I think we will encounter is that people will find the four year age difference a bit weird. Most people say after you turn 18 that age doesn't matter, but ours does. When he graduates college I'll only be in my second year. Our lives don't sync up and that's going to be something we will have to navigate as we go.
Tonight we're going to a club with the whole group. Things have been so busy with school and other drama that we haven't hung out much. I dressed super nice, and made my hair and makeup look great. You're only a carefree college girl once in your life.
"Damn baby you look hot." Tom comments as he walks into the room.
I turn to face him, and my jaw actually drops. he's wearing a white v neck with a black leather jacket, jeans, and his curls styled nicely.
"Not as hot as you." I say. "You look like a sexy modern greaser."
He smiles, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yes, just need to grab my taser." I say.
"Excuse me what?" He says, completely confused by what I said.
"My taser." I say, holding it up to show him before stuffing it in my bag.
"Why the hell do you need that?!" He says in a high pitched voice.
"Oh to be a boy and be able to go to a club with no worries." I say sarcastically. "Because someone might try to kidnap me you div."
"Well first of all, I want to try it on Haz. Second of all if someone tries to kidnap you I'll murder them. Simple as that." He shrugs.
"You are not using it on Haz." I say. "And you will not be murdering anyone because then you will go to prison and the only one who should be getting put in handcuffs is me."
My comment makes him smirk his dirty boyish smile, and I let out a small laugh.
"Yeah you're definitely getting it tonight."

A/N: yes, I know tasers are illegal in the UK but I'm from Cali and this is what we take with us as protection so just leave it be😂

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