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six months later•

"Hannah come on! You have your maternity photos in fifteen minuets!" I call.
"I'm coming!" She says.
After everything that happened between Tom and I, the choice to move in with Hannah was the best thing for me. We've had a blast, and she's needed someone to help her through this pregnancy anyways. Although Haz is amazing and is always there for her, it helps for her to have me living with her too. Once the baby comes next month though they want to move in together, so I'll have to find my own place.
Tom and I have remained friends, well... as much as we can be. I actually think we are doing pretty well with just ignoring each other and moving on. Yes, he hurt me, but we agreed to just move on as friends so that there wouldn't be any drama within our friend group.
The front door opens, and Haz walks in.
"Han, babe, you ready?" He calls.
"Just a second!" She groans.
His eyes widen, looking to me.
"Hormonal." I mouth to him with a laugh.
Hannah makes her way in the room, wearing a pretty dress and her long blonde hair curled beautifully.
"Aww babe you look so pretty." Haz comments.
"Yeah whatever." She says, grabbing the keys from his hand and walking out the front door.
"Good luck." I say to him.
"Yeah I think I'll need it." He nods, leaving.
I hate having the house to myself. It's lonely, and boring. That's the one thing I miss about living with the guys, I was rarely alone.
I walk into the kitchen, grabbing the tequila and making myself a drink. After the breakup I started to have alcohol more often, trying to numb the pain of loosing the guy I thought I would be with forever, and slowly it became something I now do often. I'm not necessarily hurting over Tom anymore, more so hurting because I'm alone. I'm a relationship person, I don't do well when I don't have someone to give all my love to.
There's a knock on the door, and I walk over to open it hoping that it's my package that's three days late. To my disappointment I open the door to see Tom standing there.
"You're not my package." I frown.
"So sorry to disappoint?" He says, walking in without an invitation.
"What's up? What do you need?" I ask.
Tom normally doesn't come by unless Haz does or he needs something. It's too awkward since everything that's happened.
"I left my charger- what are you drinking?" He asks, changing the topic.
"Tequila." I say.
"Why? Is everything okay?" He says, now getting concerned.
It's not his place to be concerned about me anymore.
"Everything's fine." I nod. "Your charger is on the table."
I walk over, grabbing his charger that he left here the other night and handing it to him.
"You don't drink." He says.
"I do now." I shrug.
"Sav.. this isn't like you." He shakes his head.
If only he knew the me that I am now is created because of what he did. I can't put all the blame on him though.. this was my way of coping with that situation, and now it's stuck. I made a decision.
"Quite honestly Tom.. you don't know me anymore." I say insensitively.
"Well.. thanks for the charger. I should get going." He nods, leaving the house.
So.. when I said we were being civil I meant.. for the most part.

•Tom's Pov•
A couple days have passed since the phone charger incident with Savannah. I knew she drank a bit after we broke up but I didn't realize she still was. This is bad, and I know it's bad because I know her. Whether she thinks I do or not.
I make my way towards professor J's office. He was my English professor last year, and is teaching Savannah now. His class is her favorite so if she's doing bad in his class then I'll know something is wrong.
I knock on the door, walking in.
"Ah, Mr. Holland, what can I do for you?" He asks.
"Hi professor J. I'm wondering if I could get a bit of information from you?" I ask.
"Regarding?" He questions.
"Savannah Osterfield's grades? Participation level? Maybe even personal observations?" I ask.
Professor J shakes his head at me, removing his glasses from his face and setting them on his desk.
"Tom I know you and Savannah used to date, gossip gets around, but I can not expose personal details of a student to you, whether she's your ex or not." He says.
"Sir with all due respect, this isn't about our relationship, or lack thereof. I'm worried about her. She's not herself, she's been doing some concerning things and I'm just trying to look out for her. Please." I plead.
He sighs, leaning back in his chair.
"All I can tell you is her performance has been lacking lately, and she is not actively participating in discussions like she was before." He says.
I knew it.. shes not okay. My poor girl...
"Thank you." I nod, and leave his office.
My phone dings, getting a text from Andrea.
Andrea: I'm in the hospital.. could you call my mum?
I see Savannah leaving her class.. this is the perfect time to reach out to her and talk to her.. but I can't. I need to call Andrea's mum and get to the hospital.
I walk into the room, seeing the bleach blonde girl laying in the hospital bed with tubes in her arms.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Overdose.." she says quietly. "I- I am leaving for a rehab center tomorrow. They said it's either that or they check me into psychiatric care."
"Andrea this is a good thing." I say. She's needed to be sent to a rehab center for years, but she's refused.
When I was sleeping with her for that year, I found out about everything. She was all alone, she couldn't tell anyone cause it would ruin her career as an influencer. I knew even after we fell off that I couldn't just abandon her. I was all she had after all.
"It's going to be on headlines by midnight tomorrow. My career is over." She sighs.
"No it's not. Everyone will understand." I say.
"You think so?" She asks.
"I know so." I nod.
Her mum comes in, and I say my goodbyes, wishing her good luck. As soon as I step outside of the room, I come to a realization.
I can be honest with Savannah now..

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