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My hands shake as I hold the little cherry wood box, my eyes glued to it, no ability to put it down and forget I found it. Maybe it's not what I think it is.. I should open it.
No.. I shouldn't. This is his drawer and he hid this for a reason.
The angel and devil on my shoulders argue back and forth, but my curiosity gets the best of me, and my finger tips push the top of the box open.
It's exactly what I think it is. An diamond engagement ring.
I pull it out, looking at the beautiful silver ring from all angles, and something catches my eye.
'Forever, sweetheart' is engraved in tiny letters on the band. I feel my heart pull, the thought of Tom having a ring makes me happy, but also a bit nervous. What if he's only proposing because of the baby?
I hear Tom's car pull up, and I quickly put the ring back in the box and stuff it into the back of the drawer where it was.
Laying back down on the bed, I grab my phone to make it seem like I hadn't moved since he left. I hear the front door open, and Tom's footsteps coming back to the room.
"Alright I got pregnancy pops, pills, ginger ale, and some cookies just because." He smiles, setting the things out in front of me.
"You are absolutely perfect, Tom." I smile.
The idea of that ring in his drawer isn't so scary now because, well, he really is the right guy for me. He proves that every single day.
"Alright get sucking on these lollipops so you feel better." He says.
"Maybe when I feel better I can suck something else." I say.
His brow lifts, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
"Don't get me worked up." He warns, handing me the lollipop.
After using all of Hannah's tricks, it really did help to rid the sickness, and I got straight back to packing. Everything is perfectly ready for us to leave Thursday. Only one more day and it'll be just the two of us.
"So, are we going to tell your mum tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yes, before someone else does." I say.
Tom pulls his phone from his pocket, and his eyes widen.
"It's midnight." He says.
"Really? I'm not even tired." I say.
He smirks, and I know exactly what he's thinking.
"Yeah alright drop your pants." I say and he laughs.
"Not that." He says. "Come on."
Though I'm taken aback that he didn't want sex, I go along with it, and take his hand to follow him wherever he leads me.
We walk out the back door, and he takes me over to the ladder of the tree house.
"Be careful." He says.
"I'm fine." I assure him, climbing up the ladder and stepping into the way too dark treehouse. I pull my phone out, turning on the flashlight so we can see.
Soon enough Tom makes his way up, using his flashlight too so now the entire tree house is lit up.
"Alright I'm thinking first of all, I get a generator out here so we can connect some string lights and put those around. Then we can get one of those little children's tables with the matching chairs, and a couple cots for sleepovers. Definitely going to need a snack stash too." He says, explaining how we will renovate this for our kid.
"We can get one of those mini basket ball hoops!" I say excitedly.
"And a little kiddie pool." He grins widely.
Yep, the excitement for our baby is setting in. I can't wait to hold their little hand and dress them in cute clothes and hug them. Everything about this is so exciting.
"We're going to have the most beautiful family." I say.
That ring has been in my mind since I saw it in Tom's drawer last night, I drive to Hannah's house, ready to tell her all about it. I need to talk to someone about it... otherwise I might just blow up. I can't keep stuff like this in.
I get to her house, and walk inside. I'm instantly greeted by Haz who walks up to me, an unreadable look on his face.
"You are pregnant." He says plainly.
"Yes." I nod.
He waits a few seconds, leaving me to wonder what he's thinking. It's not long though before a smile grows on his face, and he pulls me in for a hug.
"Happy for you lil sis." He says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah, I mean, I don't know why you'd want to have a baby with someone ugly like Tom but." He shrugs and I scoff.
"Tom is hot shut up." Hannah says as she enters the room.
"Scuse' me?" Haz asks, turning his attention to her.
"We all know Tom is attractive so your statement is invalid"
Ahh, this is why I love Hannah. We always gang up on Haz and bully him. I've always wanted him to get a girlfriend that I would bond with the way I've bonded with Hannah.
"Alright Haz take the baby and go away." She says, handing Rosie to him.
"Why do you guys never want me around?" He asks.
"Because we talk shit about you. Bye!" I laugh.
Haz holds Rosie up to his eye level, shaking his head.
"You're the only one who wants me around Rosie." He says.
"I still love you." Hannah kisses his cheek. "But goodbye."
Finally he leaves, taking my niece with him. I know Hannah is going to want to talk about the baby, but she's going to absolutely freak when I tell her about the ring.
She sits down, patting the seat next to her.
"Okay why didn't you tell me?!" She exclaims.
"We were waiting." I shrug. I honestly don't know why I didn't just tell her. She would have been happy, and she can keep a secret better than anyone I know.
"So how far along are you?" She asks.
"Almost five weeks. Im really excited." I smile.
"I'm so happy for you!" She squeals, pulling me into a hug.
She pulls away, giving me a weird look. That's the thing about Hannah, she always knows when something is up. It's like she's psychic.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Well.. I found an engagement ring in Tom's drawer."
My words don't seem to shock her. In fact she looks weirdly normal for having just found out that Tom is planning on proposing to me.
"Did you know about this?" I ask.
"I told him not to hide it somewhere obvious!" She groans with a frown.
So it's true, Tom has been planning on proposing to me..
"When is he going to do it?" I ask excitedly.
"I don't know. He bought it a month after you two started dating, then after you broke up he refused to return it." She says.
Oh my god.. he's had it all this time? He knew we would get back together, and all this time he knew he wanted to be with me forever. A smile rests on my face, happy to know that Tom does love me as much as I love him. I will be with him forever.
"Han, do you think we're moving too fast?" I ask.
"I think the more important question is do you think you're moving too fast?" She asks me.
"No." I say almost instantly. I've always fallen too hard too fast, but when it's right, when it's something as special as what Tom and I have, why would I care about how fast we are moving?
"Then there's your answer." She says. "If you love someone, and they love you, there's no timeline."

A/N: alright guys, tomorrow is the final chapter!!! I'm very excited about what storyline I've chosen for the new book, I'll announce it on my conversations board later today!

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