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As I walk down the hallway, Tom and I split to go to our own rooms. I see Hannah standing outside the class door, waving me down.
"Hey." I smile as I reach her.
"Who is that? That you were walking with?" She asks.
"Oh that's Tom." I say. "Childhood friend."
"He's cute." She comments, and normally it bugs me because I use to find Tom repulsive, but now it bugs me because I'm fucking him and I don't like other girls appreciating guys that I'm sleeping with.
"He's alright." I shrug. "Kind of a dick."
"The hot ones always are." She sighs.
We go into the room, and sit down for class.
"So I think we're close enough now that I can tell you something personal, but not so close that you can judge me?" She says questioningly.
"Go ahead. What's going on?" I ask.
"Okay I'm really not the kind of girl to go around hooking up with people but.. about a day and a half ago I met up with this guy and we.. you know.. but I forgot my birth control pill. So he offered to get me a plan b and I feel so weird and bad that I did that." She explains.
Oh my god.. she's Haz's hookup! Holy shit!
"I um.. I think I have something for you." I say, pulling my bag out underneath the table where no one sees, taking out the box of plan b to show her. Her eyes widen, looking up at me.
"I'm Harrison's little sister." I say.
"Oh my god.." she groans, hiding her face in her hands. "This is so embarrassing.."
"It's okay, just take it." I say.
She quickly opens the box, and takes the pill before discarding it in her bag.
"Seriously this is so weird.." she laughs.
"It's okay." I say. "Believe me I've done worse."
"Really? Worse than sleeping with a guy you just met and forgetting birth control?" She asks.
"Hannah, what I'm about to tell you stays between us, okay?" I say.
"Of course." She nods.
"That guy you saw me walk in with? Tom? He is my brothers very best friend, and I'm screwing him." I say.
"You are with that hottie?!" She asks, impressed.
"Not with him, you know we're not even really friends." I say. "I guess you could just call it enemies with benefits"
"Thats crazy." She shakes her head.
Class starts, and I clear my head of all things Tom and pay attention.
Hannah and I have gotten much closer today after our weird bonding session this morning. I invited her to go get lunch with me, I just hope Haz doesn't find it weird that we're friends.
My phone dings as we walk outside, and I check it.
Tom: Haz and I are leaving class now, wanna head off alone and..
Oh.. I forgot I was suppose to go with Tom.
Savannah: actually I'm getting lunch with my friend! See you at home?
Tom: what friend?
Is he seriously asking who I'm with?..
Savannah: going on a date!
I send the text with a laugh, showing Hannah the texts. Tom can be so annoying.
"You sure it's just hooking up?" She asks.
"Yeah definitely." I nod. "He's just always been protective of me."
"I don't know Savannah.. sounds a little simpy to me." She says.
"Believe me, Tom doesn't simp." I say.
We get to the parking lot and as I walk towards my car, my eyes widen when I see Tom leaning against it.
"Seriously?" I laugh. "What did you think you were gonna do? Beat my date up?"
"You lied to me?!" He exclaims with a laugh.
"I was joking you dumb ass." I shake my head.
"And no, I wasn't going to beat him up I was going to come with you and sit between you." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Go home with Haz, I'll be back in a bit." I say.
"Alright, have fun you liar." He says.
"Not a liar! I was joking!" I call as he walks away.
Hannah gives me a funny look as we get in the car.
"He's totally into you." She says.
"That's gross." I laugh.

•Tom's Pov•
Haz and I get back to the house, and he tosses me a beer as we sit down.
"What is going on with you mate?" He asks.
"What do you mean?" I say.
"Well for starters, you haven't had a tinder hookup in like.. a week." He says.
I should have known he was going to realize that. I come home at least three times a week talking about who I hooked up with, and all of the sudden I've stopped. Fuck. He can not find out about me and Savannah, cause as much as he'd love us dating each other, he'd kill me if he found out I was just fucking her. I try to come up with a lie quickly, and I'm not very good at that.
"I got a girlfriend." I say.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
"What?" He almost laughs.
"Yeah uhh.. the last girl I hooked up with. She wanted to try a relationship and I went along with it." I shrug.
"I'm happy for you dude! That's so great!" He smiles.
Ugh I hate Harrison's obsession with smooshy relationships. It's disgusting.
"Yeah it is." I say with fake enthusiasm.
"Well I want to meet her! You should invite her over for dinner or something." He suggests.
"I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Oh come on! I can invite the girl I hooked up with that I'm into, and Savannah will be here to break the ice. You know how talkative she is, it'll be fine!" He says.
"I- okay I guess." I hesitantly agree.
God fucking damnit. Now I have to find a girl to pretend to be my girlfriend. Wonderful. Way to go Tom.
"I'll text Hannah right now, and you can text your girl." He says.
"Yeah, I'll do that" I say, pulling up my texts with Savannah.
Tom: we have a problem. Haz was getting suspicious that I wasn't getting laid and I may have said I have a girlfriend and now I need to find a girl to pretend to be my girlfriend.
I wait a few seconds, and she texts me back.
Savannah: couldn't have just said you were going on a cleanse?
I laugh at her text, ah she's so innocent.
Tom: darling do you even know me?
Savannah: yeah you're right he'd never believe that. I'll figure something out.

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