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•Tom's Pov•
As Savannah's sleeping body lays next to me under the blankets of her warm bed, I examine her features. Her button nose with a slightly crooked bridge, her perfectly shaped lips, just a tad bit pinker than most peoples, her few freckles scattered across her cheeks. I should probably go back to my own bed.. but I don't want to.
I've never wanted to stay after sleeping with someone before..
I lay my head down on the pillow, looking at her once more before closing my eyes and going to sleep.
"Tom, Tom wake up." I hear, feeling hands on my arm shaking me.
"Why?" I mutter.
"If Haz catches you in here he will say something." She says. "Come on you have to go before he wakes up."
"Sweetheart I'm not moving a muscle until you stop shaking my arm." I laugh.
She groans, letting go of my arm.
"Savannah you up yet?" Haz says from outside the door.
"Yeah one sec!" She calls.
I jump out of her bed, and run into her closet as she tries so hard not to laugh.
"Hey what do you need?" She asks.
"I'm headed to class, are you gonna ride with Tom or go alone?" He asks.
"Probably with Tom why?" She asks.
"Because I was hoping if you went alone if maybe you could um.. pick me up a plan b for a girl I met up with yesterday. Don't tell Tom." Haz says and my hand flies over my mouth trying not to laugh.
"Haz!" She scolds. "Did you actually?!"
"Shes on birth control but I just want to be safe." He says.
"And why can't you just get it yourself?" She asks.
"That's embarrassing!" He exclaims.
"Ugh you're so annoying. Fine. I'll get it." She says, and I hear her door shut.
I leave her closet, and we both burst out laughing but hold it in as much as possible so he can't hear.
"Go get dressed. We're going to the store." She says.
"Alright Darlin." I say, kissing her quickly.
"What was that for?" She asks.
"I- I don't know. Just kind of happened." I say.
"Oh well, I should get ready so-"
"Yeah." I nod, walking out to go get ready.
That was really fucking awkward.

•Savannah's Pov•
After getting myself ready to head to the store before classes, I sit and think about how Tom kissed me so randomly. Not for sex, not for teasing, just to kiss me. This isn't what we're doing.. is it? It can't be.
"Come on lets go get Haz's plan b!" I call, grabbing my keys.
"Nah you're not driving you drive too fast." He says.
"Oh stop being a baby!" I scoff.
We go out to the car and I start driving to the drug store. Tom puts on Harry Styles without me even having to tell him to which makes me smile.
My phone dings, and I ask him to check the text for me. He picks it up and reads it to himself, scoffing.
"What?" I ask.
"Why the hell is Travis messaging you on Instagram for your number?" He asks.
"He is?!" I ask with surprise.
"Oh please show more excitement." He says sarcastically.
"Is someone jealous?" I ask.
"No. I'm just fucking you. You can emotionally fuck whoever you want." He says.
"Emotionally fuck?" I laugh.
"You know what I mean." He says.
"I mean.. Travis is hot. I'd hook up with him." I say.
"Now that's going into my territory." He states and I park the car, raising my brow at him.
"Did you just say that I'm your territory?" I ask as we get out of the car.
"Your ass is." He says, slapping it, making me jump slightly.
"You annoy the shit out of me." I roll my eyes. "I can't stand you."
"Yet I had to gag you last night just to keep you from yelling my name." He smirks.
"Fuck you Tom." I laugh.
We walk through the drug store, getting Haz's plan b and a few other things. I decide to play a funny trick on him that I saw on tik tok. This is going to be so good.
"I'm going to grab some toothpaste, could you grab me strawberry tampons?" I ask.
"Sure." He nods with no hesitation, and I hold in my laughter as I go on the other side of the aisle, waiting to see what happens. He's going to absolutely kill me for this.
"Strawberry tampons.. Hmm." He mutters to himself. "Where does it list the flavors?!"
I feel like my insides are going to burst if I don't laugh.
"Scuse' me ma'am? Could you show me where strawberry tampons are?" I hear him ask and I practically die at the confidence he has asking that.
The woman simply laughs at his question.
"I think whoever told you to get that was playing a joke. There's no such thing as strawberry tampons." She says.
"Of course she did.." he sighs. "Alright thank you anyways."
I make my way back over, and he has a less than impressed look on his face.
"I can't believe you asked for them." I say with a grin.
"I'm getting you back for this." He says.
"Hmm well.. you could punish me for it tonight." I say.
"Sweetheart if you keep talking like that I'll have to take you in the car." He warns. "Come on let's go."
As much as I just want to have a fun little shopping trip and head to school, now all I can think about is screwing Tom in the car. Ive never done it in a car before.. actually, I've never done it anywhere other than a bed. I'm probably the least adventurous person sexually, but not by choice. I just haven't been exposed or introduced to much. Luckily Tom is changing that. Although I didn't absolutely love the gag, I did love being tied up, and the praise.
As the cashier scans our things, he gives me a funny look when scanning the plan b.
I pull out Haz's credit card, paying for the things and carry them out to the car.
"Ugh.. I really don't want to go to class now." I comment.
"I do. Can't wait to see how fucked up Sutton looks after the swing I gave him last night." He says giddily.
"I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind seeing that either." I say.
We get in the car, and I start driving towards campus.
"How about we go park somewhere after class and tell Haz we're going to the gym?" He offers. "It's not a complete lie, we'll be getting a workout."
I shake my head at him, his brows rising at me as he awaits me answer.
"Alright." I say.

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