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After getting geared up in pink cover gowns and masks to protect the babies from germs, we are escorted into the nicq with Haz and Hannah to see little baby Rosie. I step up to the rectangular clear box holding Rosie, who is so small and so precious. She has monitors on her body, and a little pink hat on her head.
"Oh my goodness.." I gasp. "She's so cute.."
"Isn't she?" Hannah grins.
"She's so tiny." Tom says as he takes a closer look.
"4.35 pounds" Haz says. "She'll start gaining weight though."
"We're hoping she'll be a whole five pounds by the end of the week." Hannah states.
I look at the little girls pouty lip and fuzzy head, she's so perfect. Even being premie and everything, she's beautiful.
"You can hold her hand." Hannah says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah, it's fine." She smiles.
I stick my hand through the hole in the box, lightly running my finger over her palm. My heart fills when she lightly wraps her hand around my finger, before letting go.
"Tom you need to try this." I say.
Tom comes up to me nervously, and I pull my hand out, letting him take his turn. He puts his hand through the hole and follows the same movement I made, except this time Rosie grabs onto his finger and doesn't let go.
"Oh my god.." he breaths out, obviously filled with joy.
"She likes you." Hannah says happily.
"Course she does, I'm cool Uncle Tom." He grins.
That's when Rosie's eyes open, showing the beautiful shade of blue that matches mine and Haz's eyes.
"Oh look at those pretty eyes." Tom coos. "You're so cute. Yes you are."
"Looks like someone has baby fever." Hannah comments and Haz gives her a warning look.
"Don't give him any ideas." Haz says and I roll my eyes.
"Guys.. she's absolutely perfect." I say.
We spend a little more time with Haz, Hannah, and Rosie, but it comes time that everyone needs their sleep and Tom and I need to leave.
"Bye bye sweet little girl, Uncle Tom will come see you tomorrow." Tom mutters to Rosie.
I stand back with Hannah, and she raises her brow at me with a funny look.
"What?" I ask.
"You know.. following the rules of the ideal timeline isn't always the best way to go." She says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"This whole thing you have with wanting to wait until you graduate to start your life.. I got pregnant on my first date with Haz and look at us now." She says.
"If you're implying that I should get pregnant right now you are crazy." I laugh.
"I'm not saying right now.. just don't write it off for so long. Look at him." She nods to Tom, who's still completely engrossed by Rosie. "He's going to make a good dad. He's going to love his kid. You've got the support system to do this in the next few years, you don't have to wait forever.."
I watch as my boyfriend says his final goodbyes to the baby, and Haz teases him a bit for it but he shrugs it off.
"Ready to go home?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He nods. "Also, we will babysit anytime."
"Good to know." Hannah laughs. "See you guys later."
After getting home, Tom is definitely not in a hurry to get what I had promised him earlier this morning, in fact he seems a little down. I hand him a beer, sitting down next to him on the sofa.
"What's up buttercup?" I ask and he shakes his head at me, taking a drink of his beer.
"Don't say that." He laughs.
"Everything okay?" I ask.
He shrugs, setting his drink down. He gives me a look I can't quite read, almost a shameful look.
"We've only been back together for less than two weeks." He says.
"Okay.." I say, waiting for him to elaborate.
"So I cant say this stuff because I'm worried I'll scare you away." He says.
"Tom, nothing you say is going to scare me away." I assure him.
"I really want one." He says. "And obviously not right now cause that's just crazy and too much to ask of you, but I don't want to wait until I'm 30 to have kids."
I nod, in complete agreement with him. I find it sweet that he's so eager for a family. It just shows what kind of man he is.
"Okay then let's make a plan." I say.
"Really?" He smiles.
"Tom, this is a forever thing." I say. "So.. let's plan."
And so the night that was suppose to end in rough, kinky sex, actually ended with notebooks, colored pens, and lots of talking about our future.
"So we move into our house next week, what's the next step after that?" I ask.
"Proposal." He says and I choke on my drink.
"I was thinking more like a goldfish." I suggest.
Tom laughs loudly, giving me a 'are you serious' look.
"First of all, getting a goldfish is not a step, and I don't want a goldfish." He says.
"Okay then proposal. Obviously it's gonna be a surprise so a basic time frame. What are we talking? In two, three years?" I ask.
"I was thinking more like six to ten months.." he mumbles and my eyes widen.
"But- Tom. That's not long enough for you to be sure that you want to be with me the rest of your life." I say.
"Sweetheart I already know I want to be with you the rest of my life." He says. "Don't you realize that? Do I not show you enough how much I love you?"
His words make my heart hurt a little bit. I don't mean to make him feel like he doesn't love me hard enough.
"It's just.. weird, for someone to want to be with me forever." I shrug.
"It's weird for me too." He says. "Never thought I'd find a girl who'd want to marry me one day."
"Little did you know she was right in front of you this whole time."

A/N: my English professor asked me how I developed my style for writing... and my dumb ass really did just admit "oh I do wattpad" someone fucking kill me now.

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