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"Today is graduation day!" I exclaim excitedly to Tom, who groans and throws his pillow at me.
"Fuck off." He says.
I frown, hopping on top of him which only annoys him even more. He pushes me off and I pout.
"Oh stop that." He mutters, pulling me back onto him.
"I need you to get up bub." I say.
"No, let's stay in bed and snuggle." He mumbles.
He's so sweet, and most mornings I would absolutely love to stay in bed and snuggle, but today I got up and snuck out to go get his favorite breakfast and bring it back for him along with balloons and an extra little surprise.
"Please just come with me." I say and he raises his brow at me.
"What'd you do?" He asks.
"Just come on!" I say, getting up and pulling him up too.
He follows me down the hallway in his pajama pants and nothing else. I lead him to the kitchen and a smile instantly grows on his face when he sees the balloons, the food, and the little blue gift box sitting on the table.
"Sweetheart this is the best, you're the best." He says, kissing me quickly.
He starts digging into his breakfast, taking a bite as he opens his present. I put a lot of thought into this present, and I think he's going to love it. It was a big decision to make.
"What did you get me?" He says, pulling the lid off the box.
His brows scrunch together, and he looks up to me.
"What is this for?" He asks, pulling out the pregnancy test from the box.
"I decided that whenever you are ready, I am ready." I start. "So what if we're still young? We live together, we love each other, so why wait? Why not just dive into starting a family together."
A smile grows on his face, stretching wide. I knew this was probably the best present I could ever give him.
"Are you serious?" He asks.
"Yes." I nod.
He drops everything in his hands, getting up and pulling me into the tightest hug he's ever given. I can still feel him smiling, I knew this was the best present I could ever give him.. and myself. I'm ready, even if it's early. If Hannah can do it, I can do it.
"I love you so much pretty girl." He says.
"I love you too." I smile.
He lets me go, grabbing his food and putting it in the fridge.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"I am gonna put a baby in you." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the room.
I giggle as he lifts me and drops me back on the bed. He climbs on top of me, kissing my jaw sloppily and making his way down my neck. I run my fingertips down his bare back, his muscles flexing under my touch. I'm so excited for this.. this is our first step to our future of a family.
I walk back to mine and Tom's room, opening the door to see him sitting in front of the mirror messing with his hair frustratingly.
"What's going on bub?" I ask, walking up behind him.
"I don't know what to do with my hair." He groans. He's so cute trying to look nice for graduation. He so desperately tried to act like he doesn't care, but he does.
"You look sexy with it gelled back." I say.
He grabs his hair products, working them into his hair and combing it nicely.
"Do you feel pregnant yet?" He asks and I laugh loudly.
"Tom it doesn't happen that quickly." I say, sitting on the bed.
He stands up, walking over to me. He puts his hand on my stomach, and gives it a rub.
"Cmon little dude, we want you." He says and I smile.
There's a knock on the door, and Tom jogs to go open it. I grab my shoes from the closet, slipping them on. I hate wearing heels, but I want to look good for Tom's graduation. These photos will be framed in everyone's houses.
I walk down the hallway, and freeze in my spot when I see who is standing the the doorway.
"How did you even find my new house?" Tom asks, not realizing I'm here, watching, listening.
"You posted it on Instagram.. I just- I couldn't just let you end this." Andrea says, looking up to Tom with desperation in her eyes.
Is she in love with him?..
"Andrea, I told you already, we can't be friends." He says.
"Savannah is a kid! She's what? Twenty? It's not going to work out Tom. You're going to move on in life, and she'll still be an immature college kid. You really want to throw away everything in your life for her?"
The words Andrea spoke brought a cloudy dark feeling my my soul. Maybe because she's right. I am young.. too young for Tom.. and he will realize that and not want to waste anymore time on me. I'm just his best friends little sister.. there's nothing special about me..
"Savannah is young, but who cares?" Tom exclaims. "She taught me how to love, and how to see more in life other than sex, and parties, and money. I want to marry her, and have a family with her. It'll take longer, sure, but I want that with her. You need to go. I'm glad you're better now but what we had? It's over. You need to move on."
And with that, Tom shuts the door. He sighs, turning around and seeing me, his eyes widening slightly.
"That was Andrea but I swear on my life I didn't tell her to come here or anything-"
"Tom." I interrupt him. "You don't have to explain anything."
"Yes I do." He says, walking towards me. "I don't care what she says. I don't care that you're young. I don't care that we're at different points in our life because I want you, and you want me. Nothing else matters."
"I know." I nod. "If anyone can make this work, it's us. Not to mention she got me totally wrong with the partying college kid thing."
He giggles walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"It was hard not to laugh at that, I can barely get you to drink with Haz and I let alone party." He says with a goofy smile.
"We're good Tom, always." I say.
"Good.. cause I really don't want to loose you again."

A/N: and y'all thought I was gonna let Andrea get between them again smh. I'm not that evil.

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