Chapter 1: The Vampire Prince

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Roman was walking around a park not too far from his castle. It was night time; Roman loved looking at the stars and listening to the sounds of nature at night. He noticed someone sitting at the park bench, so he walked over.

"If you don't mind me asking, what has you out at this hour? Aren't you afraid?" he asks him. Roman had studied human behavior before, and many of them fear the night time because of dangerous people or fear of the supernatural.

The boy looks up at him. "Not really. I'd rather get killed or kidnapped than go back home. Plus, I thrive in the night. Probably because I have insomnia, but whatever." he says.
Roman grew curious, sitting next to him. "Why wouldn't you want to go home? Why would you rather be killed? Don't you have a family?" he asks.

Virgil laughs a little. "Sure, I have a family. A family who hates me and everything I stand for. By the way, do you always dress like a prince? I'm half tempted to call you Princey."
Roman smiles and chuckles a little. "I am a prince; why else would I dress like one? But my proper name is Roman." he says. Virgil looks at him, raising an eyebrow. "Prince of what? I wasn't aware we had a prince."

"Oh, you don't, you're a human." Roman says, looking up at the stars. This boy did have an irresistible scent..

"What, are you saying you're not human? Humor me then, Princey, what are you?" he asks. Roman looks at him, smiling a bit. "How 'bout I show you.. But first, I request your name. You know mine; it's only fair." Roman says.
The boy sighs. "My name? Virgil." he says. Roman smirks, intentionally showing his fangs. "Nice to meet you, Virgil."

"Woah- holy sh- are those fangs?" Virgil asks, looking at them. Roman smirks more. "Scared?" he asks, pushing Virgil's hood down slowly to expose more of his neck.
Virgil froze, looking over at his shoulder only for Roman to grab his head and tilt it. "Y-you're a vampire.." Virgil realized, though too frozen in shock and mild fear to move or fight back.

Roman leaned in to him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." he whispers before sinking his fangs into Virgil's neck. Virgil gasped quietly and made a small noise of pain, tensing up and gripping his hands tightly.
He knew he couldn't fight back now. After a few moments, Virgil's vision started to blur, his body falling limp as he passes out.

Roman pulled away, wiping the blood off his mouth with one hand, the other holding Virgil. He stood up and picked Virgil up bridal style, walking back to his castle.
On his way there, he looked at Virgil's sleeping body. "You're staying with me. The taste of your blood is too irresistible to leave." he murmurs quietly.

He walked into his castle and took Virgil to his room, laying him down on the bed gently. He walked back out, closing the door.
"Welcome back, Prince Roman." one of his servants, Logan, says with a bow. There were many human servants in the castle, as his father was much like Roman at a young age; adventurous and social. His father had met many humans who had found out about what he was, and volunteered to serve him.

If a human pledges their allegiance to the king, he gives them a pendant that will allow them to be immortal without having to turn them.

His father also feeds and clothes any of the humans who serve him and the royal family.

"Hello, Logan." Roman says. "Roman, where were you?" his father, King Romulus, asks. "I was just at the park, father... And I may or may not have kidnapped a human- I couldn't help it! He just tasted so good..." Roman says.

"I don't care if you brought a pet home. But if you intend to use him to feed, you'll have to feed him as well. And give him clean clothes regularly, and allow him to shower, and-" the king says.

"Father, I know. I'm not irresponsible like Remus; I know how to take care of a human." Roman says. "Very well. Logan, you are dismissed. And Roman, go get some food for when your pet wakes up." Romulus says before walking away.

Roman went to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and a bag of chips. "Oh, hi Roman! Er sorry- Prince Roman-" another servant, Patton, says.
"Oh, Patton, no need to be so formal around me." Roman says, smiling. "Do you want a cookie? Oh wait, I'm dumb you don't eat-" Patton says.

"Well, you're right, I don't, but Virgil might." Roman says. "Who's Virgil?" Patton asks, handing him a cookie. "Virgil is the human I brought back with me." Roman says before going back to his room.
He sat the food down on the table and waited for about 3-4 hours for Virgil to wake up. When he did, he rubbed his eyes and groaned quietly.

"What happ-..." he starts, looking around before his eyes land on Roman. "Oh, you're up! Here, I brought you some food, a cookie- chocolate helps after passing out- and some water." Roman says, handing him the cookie.
Virgil blinks, trying to process what just happened. He hesitantly took the cookie and took a small bite, looking at Roman.

"You- did- was I high or are you really a vampire?" he asks as he ate the cookie. "Oh, I'm very much a vampire. Don't worry though, you're safe here. See, unlike you humans tend to believe, we don't abuse or neglect the humans we capture. We tend to them. At least, that's what my family does." Roman replies.

"Wait, you mean there have been other humans here?" Virgil asks. "Oh yes, we have many human servants actually. Perhaps you could befriend some of them, if you aren't comfortable around me. I'd understand; I mean, getting bit and kidnapped by a vampire could be a little much." Roman says.

Virgil laughs a little. "Considerate. But if you don't remember, I don't want to go home. Even if I could escape, I wouldn't want to. I'd rather be a vampire's blood bag than my parents' punching bag." he says.
Roman frowns. "What?" Virgil just scoffs sadly. "Because at least you assured me you wouldn't kill me. My parents wouldn't give a damn; hell, if you hadn't've found me, they probably would have just beaten me to death." he says, grabbing the chips and eating them.

"Virgil, that's awful! That's it, you're not allowed to leave." Roman tells him. "Alright cool." Virgil replied before eating more of the chips.

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