Chapter 35: Related

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<October 14th, present day>

Virgil was on his phone in the kitchen, Roman sitting beside him and Lily making something to eat.

Or at least, trying to.

"Ow! Fucking hell.." Lily says. "The fuck did you do-" Virgil asks. "I was just trying to cut a motherfucking potato but noooo." Lily says, huffing.
"There's bandages in.. In the bathroom...." Roman says, frowning a little in thought. Virgil looks at him. "What's got you upset, my prince?" he asks, a little worried.

"Oh, love, I'm not upset, it's just that- well.. Lily's blood, it- it smells like yours." Roman says, looking at him. "Eheh... Wait you're serious?" Virgil says. Roman nods. "It's.. Different, but very similar.."
"What would make our blood be similar?" Lily asks, currently just using a paper towel for the cut. "W-well.. Being related." Roman says.

That caused a long moment of silence from everyone in the room. "That's... That's impossible. We grew up in completly different houses. There's no way we could-" Lily starts.
"A-actually.. My dad did say something really strange before I ran away..." Virgil mumbles. Lily looks at him.

"I said he's the one who decided to make me, and his response was, 'I didn't. You wanna blame someone, blame your mother.'... It was weird.." Virgil says.

"When I bit your father's wrist to kill him, Virgil, some of his blood got on my fangs, and well.. It didn't taste anything like you." Roman pointed out.

"But.. Hang on, I'm texting my parents to just.. Make sure of something." Lily says, taking her phone out and doing just that.

After a few minutes, Lily spoke. "Well, my dad says he's my actual dad-.. But he's typing... But my... They.. Wow." she says, looking at her phone.

"Well what? What did he say?" Virgil asks. "Read it for yourself." Lily says, holding the phone to him.
Virgil read through the conversation. "They-... Split us. Wait, so them how.. Well you have darker skin than I do.." he says. "Yeah, dad's Puerto Rican. I'm not as dark as him though. Actually, you look basically like a pale version of him, black hair and everything." Lily says.

Virgil chuckles nervously. "Look, I don't know how to cope with the fact that the only friend I had in school turned out to be my sister-"
"I wonder why dad never told me?? It would have given me reason to like, ask him to fight for you in court or something-" Lily says.

"Oh well, I got myself out of that situation.. It hurt, granted, but-" Virgil says. "Did- did you jump out your window? Virgil, that's like 10 feet up- you could have seriously hurt yourself!" Lily says.
"I did hurt myself, my feet hurt like fucking hell. But I had to.." Virgil mumbles. "That's why you were sitting the way you were.." Roman says, looking at him. Virgil turns around to look back at him. "What do you mean?"

"You were putting as little weight on your feet as possible." Roman tells him. "Why did you jump from that height..? Even from that low of a level, humans can be killed should they land wrong..." he continues, frowning and pulling Virgil close.
Virgil blushes, holding on to him. "Ro, I'm fine.. Besides, you didn't know me yet, so it's not like you'd care..." Virgil mumbles.

"Ouch, Virgil. That's pretty harsh to say to your future husband." Lily says. "No, it's alright. He's right, I wouldn't've known, but I probably wouldn't have found a mate had he been killed." Roman says, keeping Virgil close.
"How would you not? I'm sure you would've found someone you liked." Virgil says. "Liked. Not loved. And I have, before you. I've kissed humans before, I admit. But you... You're different, Virgil. When I kissed you, it made me want to believe the soulmate theory." Roman says.

Virgil looks up at him, blushing. "S-so wait.. A while ago, you told me your dad said 'I know there's something more to that human in his eyes' while talking to your mother's grave, right? That means.. You.. Never took any of the people you liked here, did you?"
Roman shook his head. "Not one of them." Lily giggles quietly. "We get it, you two are adorable and need to marry each other already." she teased.

"Listen, just because we know we're siblings now doesn't mean your sass level can increase-" Virgil says, pointing at her.
"Virgil, I can't increase something that's already at max level." Lily says, crossing her arms. Virgil scoffs. "Yeah right, I'm way higher level than you when it comes to sass."

"You two certainly bicker like siblings." Roman says. "Wait, Roman, you're a vampire. Couldn't you smell it before I cut myself?" Lily asks.
"Scent isn't determined strictly by blood; it's determined by the clothing you wear, your natural body's scent, and any artificial scents you put on yourself, such as perfume or cologne." Roman tells her.

"Oh... Completely unrelated, but you look 14 or 15, why is that-?" Lily asks. "I think because vampires age different than humans, like they grow very slowly." Virgil tells her.
Roman nods. "Virgil's correct. Humans at age, let's say 30, are full grown adults. Vampires at age 30 are still small children." he says. "Imagine asking a kid how old they are and they say 30-"Lily says.

"Well, around humans- humans who don't know they're a vampire, that is- they say what they'd be roughly in human years. At that age, it would be around 6 or 7."
"Do you guys ever grow old?" Lily asks. "No. We're immortal, we can't get physically old. Chronologically, maybe, but not physically." Roman says.

"Then, what would happen if a vampire had a child with a human?" Lily asks. "You're a curious one. If the vampire didn't turn the human, I suppose their offspring would be only half, meaning they would not be completely immortal, and probably can die." Roman says.

"Wait, so what do all the myths of killing vampires actually do to you guys?" Lily asks. "Wooden stakes pin us down, silver bullets and knives don't affect us, and even if you could cut our heads off, we'd grow a new body." Roman says.

"Well that's disturbing to think about." Virgil mumbles. Roman chuckles a little, petting him. "Sorry, my love."

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