Chapter 2: Meeting Everyone

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The next morning, Virgil went out of Roman's room to wander, as Roman had given him permission to do so. He went to the kitchen where Patton was making some eggs and another boy drinking some coffee.
"Oh! You must be Virgil; hi kiddo! It's nice to meet you, I'm Patton!" Patton says, holding his hand out for Virgil to shake. Virgil shook it slowly.

"Wh-who are you then?" he asks the boy drinking coffee. "Name's Remy." he says. Virgil nods a little. "So, why exactly are you guys here?" he asks.
"Well, I'm a servant here, and Remy's kind of a mix between a ‘pet’ and a servant-" Patton explains. "Pet? What do you mean pet?" Virgil asks.

"That's what the vampires call humans they keep to feed on." Remy says, sipping his coffee. "So... I'm a pet then?" Virgil asks, grabbing a granola bar.
"Roman's pet, yes." Logan says, walking into the kitchen to make some tea. "Why the distinction?" Virgil asks.

"Well, Remy, along with being a servant, is fed on by the king and Prince Remus, and Roman before he got you here. By saying you are Roman's pet, however, it means that no one but him is allowed to feed on you." Logan explained as he stirred the tea.
Virgil blushes a little. "Well damn, okay-" he says, eating the granola bar. Remy smirks. "You- oh my god no way-" he says, snickering a little.

"What?" Virgil asks. "You like the idea of that, don't you-?" Remy says, giggling a little. Virgil blushes more and flipped him off, leaving the kitchen.
He walked around a bit before running into Roman's brother, Remus. Remus grinned, grabbing Virgil by the chin. "Hey, you're Roman's new pet! You look so young-" he says.

Virgil was mildly unsettled, but not afraid. "I'm 18. And my name is Virgil, thanks." he says. "18? Wow, he likes them young- but watch how you speak to me; I'm a prince too." Remus says, letting go of him.

Virgil rolls his eyes a little. "I didn't know Roman had a brother." Remus smirks. "Prince Remus. And we're not brothers, we're twins." he says.

"Right. Well I'm gonna go." Virgil says, heading back to Roman's room. Just before he got there, he bummed into another man.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going... Are you alright?" he asks. Virgil nods. "Oh, good then! I'm Emile, by the way. What's your name?"

"Virgil." he says. Emile smiles. "Nice to meetchya! But I'm hungry so if you'll excuse me-" he says, going to the kitchen.
Virgil walks back into Roman's room, closing the door behind him. He rubbed his chin a little where Remus had gripped him. Fucking vampires and their strength.

"What's wrong?" Roman asks without looking up. He was sitting on the bed, drawing on some paper. "What- nothing why?" Virgil says, leaning against the wall.
"Your heart is beating faster than normal." he says, looking up at Virgil. "How can you even tell?" Virgil asks. "For one, I can hear it. And your scent is stronger, meaning your blood is running through your body faster."  Roman says.

"... I ran into your brother. He kinda hurt me a little is all- I don't think he meant to, just forgot his strength I guess.. It's just, that's how my mom grabs me when she wants me to look at her.." Virgil says, looking to the side.
Roman frowns and put his pencil down, standing up and walking over to him. "How badly did your parents hurt you..?" he asks.

"I.. Don't wanna talk about it. At least.. Not right now. No offense, but I have to be really close to start opening up." Virgil says.
Roman smiles slowly. "No, I understand. No need to apologize." he says. "Hey, can I ask a question?" Virgil says. "Sure, go ahead." Roman replies, tilting his head curiously.

"You're a vampire, okay, I got that much.. Why do you have a bed? Vampires don't need to sleep, right?" Virgil asks. Roman smiles. "You're right, we don't. They're more for comfort or to lay in when we get sick or injured badly. Or, in Remus's case, to.. Have sex in." He says, blushing slightly.
"Oh- you know, honestly I'm not surprised, he does seem like kind of a sex addict, especially because of the way he made fun of how old I am-" Virgil says.

"Wait how old are you?" Roman asks, narrowing his eyes slightly in curiosity. Virgil subconsciously scratched where Roman had bit him. "I'm 18." he says.

Roman blushed a bit more, eyes widening slightly. "Oh- y-yeah, Remus would joke about that-" Virgil smiles and giggled very softly.
Roman thought that was the cutest sound on earth, but didn't say anything. He just smiled sweetly at Virgil.

Virgil scrathed at the bite again. This time, Roman grabbed his wrist gently. "Don't do that, you could scratch it open." he says softly, letting go. Virgil smirked a little. "Wouldn't you like that?" he wasn't going to say anything right now, but he actually finds Roman rather attractive.
Roman squinted at him. "Careful. I haven't fed today and you are tempting me, Virgil." he says. Virgil chuckles softly. "Who's stopping you? I'm your pet, right? That means you can feed on me whenever you want." he says simply.

Roman got closer to him, placing a hand behind Virgil's back to hold him there. "I hope you understand what you just consented to." he murmurs. Virgil smiles a little, tilting his head and giving Roman a look.
Roman growls quietly in a possessive manner, putting his other hand on the back of Virgil's head before biting him. Virgil winced a little but didn't move.

After a moment, Roman pulls away, taking his hand off of Virgil's head. "You good?" he asks, licking the excess blood from his lips. Virgil nods, so Roman slowly moved his hand off from Virgil's back.
"Just out of curiosity, why do you hold me like that when you bite me?" Virgil asks, blushing a little.

"The hand on your back is to keep you from being able to push away from me, while the hand on your head is to keep it tilted so I have enough room to feed. It's instinctual." Roman tells him.
Virgil blushes more. "S-so, basically rendering me helpless?" Roman nods a little. "If that's how you want to see it, yes. I suppose that's essentially what it is - preventing you from getting away; putting you at my mercy."

Virgil nods, looking to the side and blushing a bit. Roman smiles, catching on that Virgil's starting to like it. "Well, make yourself at home- as you'll be living here from now on." he says, patting Virgil's head before sitting back down on the bed and drawing.

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