Chapter 4: The Day Before a Date

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About a month in, Virgil was growing pretty comfortable living with Roman. He doesn't know, but Roman has a pretty strong feeling that Virgil likes him. Plus, he's heard the servants whispering about it.

It was mid-afternoon currently, and Virgil was talking with another servant named Valarie.
"So, I am curious; Logan told me you guys are immortal because of a pendant or something, right? How does that work?" Virgil asks. "Oh, it's actually pretty cool; a vampire, usually the king, takes the venom used to turn a human and combines it with a drop of our blood, putting it in this pendant. It's kinda like a spell, if you wanna think about it that way." Valarie explains.

"So, you guys are probably older than me, huh?" Virgil asks. "Oh, yeah. By a lot. You're actually the youngest human ever brought here, so far." Valarie says.

"Virgil?" Roman says, smiling and pulling Virgil towards him gently. Virgil giggles a little and looks at him. "Hello to you too, Ro." Roman smiles more, brushing Virgil's bangs out of his eyes.
"I have a question for you." Roman says. Virgil smiles, tilting his head a little. "Yeah?" he says. Roman hums. "How would you like to see the garden tomorrow evening?"

Virgil blushes and giggles softly. "I'd love to." He says. Roman smiles and ran his hand through Virgil's hair. "Great. I'll see you then." he says. Virgil leans into the touch, chuckling a little. "You'll see me before then too, I literally live in your room."
Roman chuckles as well. "You know what I meant." he says, patting Virgil's cheek before walking away.

Valarie looks at Virgil with a shocked smile. "What?" he asks. "He just asked you on a date!!" she says excitedly. Virgil blushes, stuttering. "I-i- h- a- wh-whaaaaat? Nooo- he just asked-.. Me.. On a date- oh-" He says, covering his cheeks. It didn't hide his blush, though; his whole face was red.

Valarie squeals. "Oh my god, you're so lucky-!" she says. Virgil was just a blushing mess, deciding to go to the kitchen for some juice.
"Hey kiddo! You look pretty red there; you okay?" Patton asks, grabbing some Oreos from the cabinet. "I- R-ro- I-" Virgil stuttered.

Patton looks at him. "R-roman asked me on a d-date-" Virgil says, drinking the juice. Patton gasps quietly. "He likes youuu!" Virgil blushes more, finishing the juice. Patton kept talking. "You two like each other! Oh stars, this is adorable-! The prince, in love with the human he captured-"
"W-woah woah woah, love's a strong word there, Pat-" Virgil says. Patton giggles. "I'm just sayiiinnnnngggg~" he sing-songs.

"I- I'm gonna go shower-" Virgil says, going to one of the bathrooms. He gets undressed and turns on the shower, trying to cool off.
‘Why am I so flustered? It's just a date. With a prince. A very, very hot prince-’ he thought as he washed himself off.

Virgil eventually got out of the shower, drying off and looking in the mirror. ‘why would he like me of all people? Fuck, but I like him too..’ he thought, getting back into his clothes, not bothering with putting his hoodie on.
He brushed his hair, which had grown a little since Roman kidnapped him. If he moved his bangs to his face, they went to the bottom of his nose.

He walked out and went to Roman's room, having nothing else to do. "Hello Virgil." Roman says with a smile, drawing again. "Sup." Virgil replied, setting his hoodie down.
"I've never seen you not wear that thing, or at least with long sleeves. Are you too hot or something?" Roman asks, looking at him. "Oh, no, I'm fine. Just didn't want to wear it. By the way, you haven't bitten me all day. Are you alright?" Virgil asks.

"Mhm, I've just been busy. And when I get busy I get distracted from self care." Roman says. "Come to think of it, this is the first time today I've seen you just relax. What were you doing, anyway?" Virgil asks.
"Sword training. I may be a vampire, but I'm still a prince. I still need to learn to behave like one." Roman says, putting his pencil down.

"You have a sword?" Virgil asks, looking at him. "Mhm." Roman hums, walking over to grab a sheathed sword and showing it to Virgil. "Woah.." Virgil says, walking up and looking at it.
Roman smiles, pulling the sheath off slightly to show a silver double-edged sword. "Ro, that's cool as hell!" Virgil says. Roman chuckles, putting it in the loop on his belt.

"I personally like it. It makes me feel mighty." he says, motioning for Virgil to stand back before drawing the sword. "You really do look like a prince holding that thing, Ro." Virgil says, smiling.
Roman chuckles, twirling the sword a little before putting it back into the sheath. He took it out of the loop and put it back where it had been before.

"But, now that you do have free time, I do want you to take care of yourself." Virgil says. Roman looks at him, quirking an eyebrow and smirking a little. "I'm starting to think you like it when I feed on you."
Virgil shrugs, smiling a little. "Maybe I do. Besides, you need to anyway. I imagine it's like humans when they eat- we can go a while without food, doesn't mean we should. So, if it keeps you healthy, by all means."

Roman smiles, holding Virgil's chin gently. "You're a sweetheart, and you're correct." he says before biting him. Virgil didn't react much, just putting his arms around Roman's shoulders and tilting his head.
Roman smiles a little against his neck, holding Virgil around the waist. Virgil sighs and chuckles a little. "It's kinda funny.." he murmurs. Roman pulled away after a moment, looking at him. "What is?" he asks, tilting his head a little.

"Even while you're literally draining blood from my body, I still feel more loved than I ever did at home.." Virgil says, keeping his arms around Roman and leaning his head on his chest.
Roman looks at him, smiling sadly and petting him. "They never held you, did they? Your parents, I mean." he says, keeping one arm wrapped around him.

Virgil shook his head a little. "That's at least partly why you like it, isn't it? You're touch starved.." Roman says, continuing to run his hand through Virgil's hair. Virgil nods slightly, staying exactly where he is. Sure, he was blushing, but he didn't want to pull away. He almost couldn't.

Roman held him for as long as he wanted him to. He didn't mind; in fact, he liked it as well.

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