Smile For The Picture

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Comet's P.O.V

For the past ten minutes I was staring at her hat that was just sitting there on the ground. I kept replaying that scene over and over again when she dropped the hat and how hurt she looked by my words. I felt bad for what I said. Those words weren't even supposed to come out. I know Marcia can be helpful in ways. Not even with just fighting. She teaches me everything I need to know about earth, introduces me to new friends, new hobbies. And when fighting she's pretty useful there too. I remember when I first came to earth and Luda and her monster crew found me, she came straight to my defense. That was so awesome and I don't think I'll forget that moment.

I picked up her hat and reminded myself of the dance we had not too long ago. How could I have not known it was her before she pulled up her mask? I honestly enjoyed the dance a lot and I sorta wonder what would've happened if Marcia didn't get burned.

I blinked.

I should be helping her..

I banged on her door and as I expected, there was no response. I checked to see if her door was locked and surprisingly it wasn't.

"Marci?" I looked around her room. It was dark and empty. I saw the dress she had been wearing on the ground. That wasn't like her at all. She's pretty organized when it comes to her stuff. I picked up her dress and placed it on a hanger in her closet.

I sighed. Maybe he parents knew where she was...

I exited Marcia's room and closed the door behind me. Then I walked downstairs to where Mr. and Mrs. Diaz were laughing together on the couch. They both looked at me.

"Comet! We didn't know you guys were still up!" giggled Mrs. Diaz.

"Oh, um yea I am still up but I don't know where Marcia is..." The couple exchanged a look at each other.

"I thought she was with you-" said Mr. Diaz. I shook my head.

"We sorta got into a fight..." Mrs. Diaz lightly punched her husband in his chest.

"I told you I heard yelling!" she said.

*     *     *

Marcia's P.O.V

"Out of all places you actually chose to crash here?" he asked. "I was not expecting that Marci." Jake gave me an ice pack to put on my arm. "She burned you good...what did you do?"

"Something stupid as usual," I groaned. He raised his eyebrow. "I stole her dance partner Comet and she got pissed." Jake burst into laughter.

"Bro, I gotta meet this chick. She sounds cool. I think I saw her in the hallway at school today when me and Jack was riding his skateboard."

"I bet you two would get along..." Jake stared at me for a while, noticing the annoyance in my voice.

"So, what happened afterwards?" he questioned.

"I would say me and Comet got into an argument but, it was mostly him yelling at me the whole time."


"Like first everything he was saying was like understandable. He needed a friend, not a hero. And I completely get that! and then he just started saying negative things and I was not here for that at all." Jake was focusing on my arm. then he looked up at me.

"Okay..." he murmered. "i swear to god Marci, if you tell anyone about me giving you actual advice, I will probably end up stealing more than your house keys."

"Never thought I'd see the day Jake is serious." I started laughing.

"Do you want my help or not?"

Comet Vs The Forces Of Evil (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now