Royal Pain

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Marcia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I checked its time and it was eight thirty am. As the usual, I quickly changed out of my pajamas to my everyday clothes. Black skinny jeans and a red hoodie. Now I was ready to come out of my room. I was greeted by Comet who was...somewhere.

"Morning Marci!" I yawned loudly walking forward.

"Morning Com-" And that's when I slipped. Yes, slipped. I slipped over the running water that was leading me to a...water slide? My fearful screams as I went down the slides, turned into cheerful ones. Finally, I made it to the bottom of the waterside and ended up splashing in a pool. I swam up to the top of the water. "That was awesome!"

Comet came running over to me in his bathing suit. He was shirtless wearing teal swimming trunks. It looks like he already was in the water because he was all wet and his hair was dripping.

"I know right! It's fabulous~" he cooed. I brushed my soaked hair out of my face.

"I hope my parents don't flip when they see this since it's so early in the-" I was cut off by my mother flipping into the pool.

"I'M FLIPPING!" She yelled. She splashed both me and Comet when she hit the water.

"Never mind then," I laughed. My mother rose from under the water.

"Marcia, you must relax. Everything Comet does may be random, but at the end of the day it's fun! This is like the perfect getaway without actually getting away!" Now she was floating backwards on a whale floaty that she was sitting under, laughing away. I got out of the water. Comet was laughing.

"I truly love living here! If my parents found out I was using magic for stuff like this, they'd end me!" Comet told me.

"Yea, this was dope Comet. Just next time put a warning or something. Wet socks are a no no. It can be a form of torture in some countries. The doorbell rung.

"I'll get it~!" Comet sung.

Comet's P.O.V

I danced my way over the door to open it. Once I did so, I opened my eyes to see...

"MOM?!" My mom was sitting on a helper blowing a horn, while she was holding her sceptre in her right hand. I slammed the door shut and looked at the huge octopus water slide in the house. I used my wand to change the living room back to normal and change my outfit as well. Finally, I opened the door back up. "Mom! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here unexpectedly?" She looked down in defeat.

"Your father has banished me from the castle..." she groaned. I rolled my eyes.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing! All I did was leave garbage laying around." She started walking inside as her helper followed along, bringing in her stuff for her. "I'll be staying here for a day!" she claimed. I ran over to Marcia's side. Mrs. Diaz ran to my mother and gave her a huge hug.

"Not a problem Rivera! You are familiar and you are family! You can watch the kids while me and my husband actually getaway!" She broke the hug and ran off somewhere. My mother was about to speak until a laser puppy appeared in her hair. It shot her with lasers in both eyes. My mom grabbed the puppy from out of her hair and looked at me with fierceful eyes.

"Now Comet, if your father was here and saw you were using your magic for stuff like this, you'd be sent straight to St. Odis' school." I frowned. She's probably gonna tel- "BUT I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!" she yelled happily. "I'd rather enjoy destructive magical puppies!" I squealed and wiped the sweat off my forehead in relief.

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