forty five

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Going to school on Monday morning is harder for Nini than it's been in a while. After spending Sunday alone in her room, she's finally forced to face reality once again.

She has no idea what EJ has been telling people about her and she doesn't know if she wants to find out.

Nevertheless, Nini paints on her fake smile, pretending things are okay, just like usual.

When Ricky sees Nini at school, she looks happy as ever.

The date must have gone well, he thinks to himself.

Ricky rolls his eyes, trying not to let it bother him. He thought that last text she sent was something to worry about, but clearly not.

Ricky knows he'll be fine pretending it doesn't affect him, but he also knows that EJ is going to boast every chance he gets.

Sure enough, a new text appears in the football group chat.

how'd ur date go caswell

better than i could explain. that girl can get it

Ricky scoffs at his phone.

She really put out for him?

His first impression of her has some truth to it after all.

He can't believe she'd do that... Yet, for some reason, he does.

"What are you looking at, dude?" Red asks from behind him.

Ricky looks up, irritated. "Nothing."

Red raises his eyebrows. "Doesn't seem like nothing."

"Apparently Nini had some fun with EJ last night."

Red's mouth drops into an 'o' shape. "Are you sure she'd do that? She didn't seem to want to go on that date in the first place."

"What are you talking about?" Ricky asks, still frustrated.

"He kind of pressured her into it when he asked. He was mad at her about hanging out with you then told her to give him a chance to prove he's better than you or something. Did you not hear about that?"

"What? No, I didn't hear that." Ricky shakes his head, not really believing what he's hearing. "Why would he be mad I'm hanging out with Nini?"

"Because he can tell you like her, dude."

"I don't like Nini," Ricky claims.

"Right," Red backs down.

He knows it's easier to just let Ricky stay in denial.

The bell then rings, signaling that it's time to go to class.

"See you at lunch." Ricky dismisses himself.

Ricky sighs, knowing his next class is with the last person he wants to see at the moment, and he sits right next to her.

When Ricky sits in his seat, he slumps down as far as he can. He's hoping it'll help him look more inconspicuous.

Soon enough, Nini sits in her seat, keeping her arms crossed. No one has noticed the bruises yet, and she's hoping to keep it that way. She doesn't exactly know how she's planning to explain them.

They've faded a little since yesterday, but they're still pretty prominent. They remind her of how weak and unworthy she is.

Ricky and Nini were able to avoid speaking to each other for the first half of class, up until the teacher assigned them a worksheet.

"Please work with your neighbor to complete this. It's a little tricky, and someone may be able to see a blind spot you can't." The teacher requests, passing o out the paper.

Ricky and Nini look around, counting the desks and realizing they'll have to be partnered up.

"Shit," Ricky mutters under his breath.

Nini doesn't miss that.

Is he really that upset that he has to speak to her?

Nini looks down at her desk. "We don't have to talk for real. It's just a worksheet."

Ricky opens and closes his mouth, realizing she heard him. "No, I'm sorry, it's just— I can't believe you went on a date with EJ."

Nini bites the inside of her lip. She didn't think they'd be talking about this now.

"Everyone is acting like it was a choice."

Nini says this part quietly, but Ricky hears her.

The two work in silence on their assignments for a minute.

"What do you mean it wasn't a choice?" Ricky finally asks. "There's always a choice."

Nini continues to work.

Ricky looks down at her paper to see which number she's working on, but gets distracted by the marks on her arm.

"What is that?" Ricky asks, suddenly very worried.

"A five?" Nini confusedly answers, pointing to the paper where she just wrote the number down.

"No, on your arm, Nini. What is that?"

Nini looks to the side. "I just ran into something at the party, no big deal. You know how rambunctious people get."

"Nini, don't lie to me."

"Just drop it, Ricky. It's not a big deal."

Ricky has seen that shape of a bruise before. He's had them. From his mother.

The two finish their worksheets on their own.


..... shit just got even realer


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