thirty six

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It's been a few days now since Kourtney told Nini about Ashlyn. The two best friends haven't as much as seen each other since. Nini's been spending all of her time with the cheer team, which she doesn't necessarily enjoy, but it's better than having no one.

Nini also couldn't help but notice that Ricky has been getting closer with Red and Ashlyn. It makes her a little uncomfortable, but it's not her place to tell anyone who they can or can't hang out with.

"Nini! Seriously, this is the third time this lunch that I've had to get your attention. Where is your mind right now?" Gina asks incredulously.

"Sorry, I'm just a little distracted." Nini looks up at Gina to see all the other cheer girls staring at her.

"You'd better be back on your A game for practice later. Tomorrow is a home game and our halftime performance has to be perfect."

"I will be, Gi. Don't worry," Nini confirms.

"Oh, Stephy!" Gina redirects her attention to another cheerleader at the table. "Have you been going to tumbling? I noticed your standing back tucks haven't been as good lately."

Stephy raises an eyebrow. "My back tucks are amazing."

Gina scoffs. "Amazing isn't good enough. I said we have to be perfect."

"Nini, what do you think about my back tucks?" Stephy crosses her arms. "Considering you are our captain."

Gina rolls her eyes. "Nini doesn't even have a back tuck. How would she know how to coach you on one?"

"Gina, I've had my back tuck since seventh grade," Nini responds, sort of hurt. "I used to spot you on them."

Gina's cheeks tinge pink. "What are you talking about?"

Nini takes a breath, knowing this isn't worth it. "Stephy, your back tucks are a little sloppy, but it's not anything crazy. Just try pulling your knees in to your chest tighter and glueing your arms to your sides."

Stephy isn't pleased that she got a correction, but she takes it a lot better coming from Nini. "I'll try that. Thank you, Nini."

"What, so if I were captain you'd suddenly take me seriously?" Gina asks Stephy, clearly upset.

"There's a reason Nini is captain over you, Gina, and it's not just her talent. She actually tries to help people rather than using them to help herself. You don't want our team to look good, you just don't want us to make you look bad," Stephy starts.

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the library to work on a project." Nini packs up her things. She doesn't want to be here for this fight.

The girls continue to argue as Nini leaves.

"Hey, is that Nini leaving the cafeteria?" Red asks from his table with Ricky and Ashlyn.

Ricky looks up, confused. "Yeah, it is."

The three look over to the cheerleaders' table, where a majority of the girls were arguing. They're not surprised that Gina is involved.

"Is it cool if I—" Ricky starts.

"Go make sure she's okay," Ashlyn finishes for him.

"Yeah, thanks," Ricky responds absentmindedly, already packing up to follow Nini.

Ricky jogs after Nini out of the cafeteria and into the empty hallway.

"Hey, wait up!" Ricky calls.

Nini turns around, startled. "Oh, hey."

"Where are you off to?" Ricky asks once he's caught up to her.

"Just the library." Nini shrugs. "The cheer team can be a bit much sometimes."

"Yeah, I noticed the arguing."

"Were you watching me?" Nini raises her eyebrow, amused.

"What?" Ricky's cheeks flush. "No, I just happened to notice you leaving. Red pointed it out, actually. I don't just watch you. That would be weird."

Nini laughs. "Relax, I'm just teasing."

Ricky scratches the back of his neck. "Right, yeah. I knew that."

Nini shakes her head with a smile. "Do you want to come with me to the library? I actually have a project I wanted to work on."

"I'll have to check my schedule, but it should be fine." Ricky pretends to ponder.

"Oh whatever, Mr. Popular." Nini playfully shoves his shoulder before walking towards the library.

Ricky smiles watching her walk away from him, waiting a second to follow.

Ricky might be just a tiny bit whipped.


gina..... no thanks

but ricky???? um yeah


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