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Nini is really excited to go to tonight's party. The football team is celebrating their quarterback, EJ Caswell, for being chosen as athlete of the month at EHS.

As cheer captain, Nini is basically required to go, but she likes to think she'd be invited even if she weren't. She's pretty good friends with most of the team.

Nini smiles, touching up her light pink lipstick in the mirror.

"That's a better color, Nini," Gina tells her, referring to earlier, when Nini had a more muted shade on. Gina is picky about how people associated with her are perceived.

Nini happily turns to her best friend on the cheer team, ignoring the backhanded compliment. They've been friends long enough for her to know when to choose her battles. "Thanks, Gi. Are you ready to head out?"

Gina nods, and with that they head to the house of the infamous EJ Caswell.


Ricky doesn't want to go to this party.

He just moved to Salt Lake a week ago, and this is his first outing with his new football team.

Ricky has been playing football since he was six years old, as his father saw it as a rite of passage for a growing boy.

Ever since Ricky's mom left his dad, football has been more important than ever.

Ricky, not that he would ever admit it, is nervous for this party. He needs to fit in with the team.

Sure, he's had practices with the team, but this is their first outing. What if they don't like him when he isn't in pads?

Ricky sighs, glancing back into the foreign house behind him before shutting the front door.

Let's get this over with, Ricky thinks to himself.


Ricky wasn't ready for what he walked into.

There were so many people. As soon as he entered the house, he could see a girl in a bra dancing on a table, a boy tossing dollar bills at a girl on the dance floor, and red solo cups everywhere.

Ricky steps farther inside, looking for a familiar face.

"Ricky!" A voice calls.

Ricky looks to the left to see none other than the quarterback himself, EJ Caswell.

"Hey, Caswell," Ricky greets EJ with a shoulder clap.

"What are you doing wandering around? Come hang in the living room with the boys!" EJ smiles charmingly.

Ricky follows EJ into what he supposes is the living room.

Most of the team was laughing and talking, some flirting with girls mingling about them.

"SalRobs!" One of the guys shouts.

Ricky swears on his life that every single person in the room turns their head excitedly at the mention of the name to see the girl in the doorway.

The girl laughs melodically. "Hey Grant," she greets him by his last name.

As she enters the room, Ricky notices that not only does every guy knows this girl, but every guy seems to have a personal relation with her. They grab her waist, hug her, lift her into the air as she giggles.

Ricky has no doubt in his mind that she has slept around with this team. He honestly believes that there's no way so many people would be so comfortable openly touching her like that as just a friend, especially in what she's wearing.

He takes in her outfit, a periwinkle tank top and short floral skirt. She seems pretty easy by the looks of it.

"Who is that?" Ricky asks his nearest teammate.

"Nina Salazar-Roberts, cheer captain. You haven't met her yet?" He questions.

Ricky shakes his head.

Ricky can't help but notice that EJ didn't run to see Nina like most of the guys did, but he remains smirking, leaning against a wall.

Nina approaches him last. "Miss me, Caswell?"

"Never," EJ responds with a smile, pushing himself off the wall.

EJ goes in to hug the cheerleader as she laughs.

Ricky suddenly realizes how strange it is that he's been observing this girl for so long, and looks away, finding something else to focus on.

The already-drunk girl stumbling around seems pretty amusing, and he settles on that instead.


"Where's Gina?" Nini asks as she stumbles drunkenly into the room.

"She went to the bathroom," Kourtney answers as she catches her friend.

Kourtney has been Nini's friend since elementary school, and although they have different interests now that they're in high school, they know they're destined to be friends.

Nini gasps.

"What? What's up?" Kourtney asks, confused.

"Gina is kissing Grant!" Nini grasps onto Kourtney's arms dramatically.

"Gina kissed Grant last time, too," Kourtney reasons.

Nini visibly calms down, loosening her grip. "Oh yeah."

Kourtney laughs.

Nini is ridiculous when she drinks.


there's the first part!! :) lmk what you think,, MWAH thank you for reading

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