seventy five

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"It's finally time for the moment you've all been waiting for," the voice continues. "The King and Queen dance!"

Nini and Ricky look at each other. They forgot about this part.

"Ricky Bowen and Gina Porter. Will you please both make your way to the front?"

Nini bites the inside of her cheek.

Ricky clears his throat and straightens his tie, walking to Nini before heading to the front.

"I promise I'll make this as short as possible," he tells her, kissing her cheek before continuing.

The dance floor quickly turns into a dance circle, leaving plenty of room for Ricky and Gina in the center.

Nini and their friends end up in the front row. Nini feels like her classmates did that on purpose just in case something goes down.

Ricky stands there awkwardly, waiting for Gina to initiate it. He doesn't want anyone thinking he wants to do this.

Gina steps up with a smirk on her face, wrapping her arms around Ricky's neck.

Ricky's face stays stoic as his hands rest as high up as they can... The thought of dancing with her is... icky, for lack of better words.

If she's being honest, Nini sort of wants to laugh at the sight of them. Ricky's hands are basically at Gina's shoulder blades, and they're hardly even grazing her. His face is no less comedic, staring off into the distance with a slight look of disgust.

Suddenly, Gina leans up to whisper something in Ricky's ear, causing his face to drop.

Nini doesn't feel so amused at the sight anymore.

Ricky turns to look at her and says something back.

Nini really wishes she could hear.

"Can you read lips?" Nini asks Ashlyn.

"No, but I really want to go kick Gina's ass right now." Ashlyn grumbles.

"I'll pay you," Nini mumbles back.

Suddenly, Gina pulls herself much closer to Ricky, practically pressing herself against him.

Ricky looks panicked.

Before she can stop herself, Nini surges forward, her insides boiling.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nini seethes as she pushes Gina off of her boyfriend.

"Feeling violent today, are we?" Gina smirks.

"Oh, can it, Gina. What are you trying to do?" Nini continues.

"I'm just dancing with Ricky. You know how much I've always adored him."

"I have had enough of your stupid games, Gina. I don't understand why you can't just stay the fuck out of my business. I know you rigged the votes to become queen. My friend in student council told me he saw you stuffing the ballot box, but I let you get away with it because I thought that would be enough to make you feel better about yourself. You do not get to force yourself on my boyfriend. That's actually considered sexual assault, which you should know a lot about, considering your boy toy assaulted me not all that long ago. I know everything you've been up to, Gina. I know you pretty damn well, considering I put up with you for a whole year." Nini laughs unamusedly. "Seriously, just back the fuck off. I'm not going to say it again."

With that, Nini storms away, pushing through the students that were circled around watching them before Gina can respond, Ricky following her in shock.

"I'm so done with that bitch," Nini grumbles as they make it outside.

Ricky just stares after her in awe.

Nini turns around, wondering why she's not getting a response. "What?"

Ricky shakes his head with a smile. "You're incredible."

Nini scrunches her nose.

Ricky pulls her into a hug. "Thank you for saving me back there."

"What did she even say to you?" Nini asks, looking up at him.

"It doesn't matter."

"It made you pretty mad, Bub."

"Bub?" Ricky raises his eyebrows.

"Don't change the subject." Nini feels her cheeks tinge pink. "I didn't think about it before I said it."

"It's cute," Ricky reassures her.

Nini buries her face in his button up. "Just tell me what she said."

Ricky chuckles. "Just something along the lines of you not deserving me and a bunch of other bullshit. We both know full well that I'm the one that doesn't deserve you."

"She said that?" Nini looks back up at him and furrows her eyebrows together. "She's such a pompous bitch."

"I think you told her off pretty well, though." Ricky smiles.

Nini can't help but laugh slightly. "This whole situation is so bizarre."

"I never imagined that moving to SLC would look like this."

Nini shakes her head. "I never imagined that high school would look like this at all."

"Do you want to get out of here?" Ricky asks.

Nini tilts her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"We can go drive somewhere and just hang out. I'm sure it would be a lot more fun than this." Ricky gestures around them. "We can invite Red and Kourtney and Ashlyn, too."

A smile creeps onto Nini's face. "That sounds amazing."

"Perfect. Let's go tell the others." Ricky smiles in return.

Once the two get inside and rally up their friends, it doesn't take much to convince the three to leave the dance early. They're not much of the type to party and dance their hearts out, anyway.

With a swift middle finger to the gym from Ashlyn and Red's whooping coming from the car, the five set off on an adventure.


happy holidays!!

i hope you're all making the best of this covid christmas / any other holiday you may celebrate :)

i may be a little slower on updates for a second because i celebrate christmas, but i'll try my best to keep up!!

i love you all, and thank you for reading! <3


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