twenty nine

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It's been a few hours since Ricky left the house now. He doesn't know what time it is, but he assumes it's getting into the late afternoon based on where the sun is. He's been at the park since he left the store and he really doesn't want to go home.

Ricky hears his phone ding and he hopes it's not from his dad. He looks down to see the text is from Nini.

hey :) you doing okay?

Ricky feels his heart warm a bit at the message, though he is a little confused as to why she's asking.

Before he can ask, another text comes through.

seb told me you looked like you could use a pick me up earlier. meet me at the coffee shop?

Ricky smiles. There's something about this girl that makes Ricky... happy. It's been a while since someone has made Ricky happy when he just thinks about being around them.

that sounds amazing, actually :) i'll be there in 10

With that, Ricky pushes himself up from his spot on the grass at the park and treks over to his car.


yay!! they're hanging out again :)


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