seventy two

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It's now Saturday, and the company Nini has to get ready for the dance is not what she'd have expected at the start of this year.

As Ashlyn puts the last finishing touches on her makeup, she turns to look at Nini in the mirror.

"You look gorgeous, Nini," Ashlyn compliments.

Nini feels her cheeks grow hot. "Thanks."

"Seriously, you're stunning," Kourtney adds on as she touches up Nini's lipgloss.

Nini scrunches her nose, dismissing the compliment. "You both look incredible, too. It's nice that we're all here together."

"You should have been crowned Queen." Kourtney sighs.

"Let's not bring up Gina, please?" Nini requests. "She's already on my mind far more than I'd like her to be."

Kourtney nods. "Right, sorry."

"Are you excited to see Ricky dressed up?" Ashlyn asks.

"I mean, every home game I already see him in a suit. I'm just nervous about him seeing me in a dress." Nini bites the inside of her cheek.

"What are you wearing?" Kourtney furrows her eyebrows.

"It's one of Mama D's old dresses. She showed me pictures of her wearing it back in high school." Nini smiles softly. "I kept it when we had to go through all their belongings."

The girls stay silent, not quite knowing what to say.

"Enough sad stuff. What are you both wearing?" Nini pushes the conversation forward.

"We're both wearing pant suits because we wanted to match without actually matching," Kourtney starts, excitedly.

Ashlyn chuckles at her girlfriend. "Mine is mostly dark colors, and Kourt's is pink. You surprised?"

Nini laughs. "Definitely not. I'm excited to see you both dressed up, though."

Kourtney nods in agreement. "I'm glad I get to do your makeup, Ni. I cant believe we've never been to a dance together."

Nini thinks back to her last school dance. It was their sophomore year Spring Semi-Formal, and Nini had gone in a group with Ashlyn and a few other girls their age. Those were very different times. Her moms were excitedly snapping pictures every five seconds, embarrassing Nini and Ashlyn like no other.

"I miss them, too," Ashlyn says, seemingly reading her mind. "They'd be in here filming the whole process of Kourtney doing your makeup right now. Mama D would be so happy you're wearing her old dress, she'd probably cry."

Nini smiles sadly. "Yeah."

Kourtney looks between them, realizing this is where it all comes out. "I'm gonna step out to let you two talk," she tells them before leaving the room.

"I still call Mama C's number sometimes, just to talk. They haven't given it away," Ashlyn admits once Kourtney is gone.

Nini looks to Ashlyn, her heart hurting. She never really thought about how Ashlyn lost a set of parents, too. Her parents have never been home much, so she was constantly at Nini's or EJ's growing up. By the time they died, she never went to EJ's anymore. Nini was all she had left before she stopped talking to her.

"I know you lost them, too, Ash. It's okay to grieve over them. You're practically my sister."

"A sister wouldn't stop talking to you just because her cousin said so." Ashlyn sighs.

"People make mistakes. That's okay. I just missed you," Nini reassures her.

"You're too good for this world, Nini." Ashlyn shakes her head. "I don't think I'd forgive me after doing that."

"Ashlyn, you deserve forgiveness. You were misled. It happens." Nini takes Ashlyn's hand in here.

"Shouldn't it be me comforting you right now?" Ashlyn lets out a humorless chuckle.

Nini gives her a comforting smile. "Like I said, you can grieve too. You're family."

Ashlyn takes a deep breath. "I wasn't expecting to get this emotional today. I'm gonna need to touch up my makeup before I even leave the house at this rate."

Nini laughs.

"I missed that," Ashlyn mentions.

"Crying together?" Nini cocks her head sideways.

"Your laugh," she clarifies. "Your real one."

Nini smiles. "I missed my real laugh, too."

Ashlyn lets out a small laugh, shaking her head.

Kourtney pops her head back in the doorway. "We good now? Can I come back?"

Nini and Ashlyn laugh harder.

"Yes, Kourt. We're good now."


The girls' outfits—

The girls' outfits—Nini:

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so close to the dance!! ahhh


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