thirty four

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Ashlyn and Red have been hanging out at Red's house for a while now. They've been talking and messing around, which is honestly just what they normally do.

Ashlyn doesn't let anyone at school think there's a girly side to her, but she can't deny that she loves to have nights in with Red.

"Your face mask is crooked," Red informs Ashlyn.

"Your face is crooked," Ashlyn retorts.

"I like to think of it as angled." Red dramatically frames his face with his hands.

Ashlyn shakes her head, laughing. "I appreciate how hard it is to offend you."

"We've been friends for a while now, Ash. If I couldn't handle being made fun of, I would have run away crying the first time it happened."

"Fair enough." Ashlyn lays back with her hands behind her head.

Red's phone dings.

hey dude, is there any chance i could come over? i don't want to go home right now

"Ricky just texted," Red announces to Ashlyn as he reads the text.

"What does he want?" Ashlyn asks. She's really not sure what to think of Ricky. He was really impatient when she was trying to help him before.

"He needs somewhere to crash. Is it cool if he joins us? He's nice."

"Can't he just go home?" Ashlyn raises an eyebrow.

"He has problems with his dad." Red shrugs. "He doesn't like to talk about it so I don't really ask questions."

Ashlyn thinks for a second, her face sort of sour.

"Okay, whatever."

Red shoots Ricky a text back saying it's fine and to just come in the back door to meet them in Red's room.

By the time Ricky gets to Red's, Ashlyn and Red have taken off their face masks and moved on to playing Smash Bros.

Ricky knocks on Red's bedroom door, peeking his head in.

"Come on in, dude. Wanna play Ultimate?" Red motions for Ricky to enter.

Ricky closes the door behind him timidly. "Yeah, sure."

Ricky didn't know Ashlyn was going to be here. He's a little bit terrified that she'll beat him up if he makes a single wrong move.

Since meeting up with her at school that one day, he's heard a lot of rumors about what Ashlyn has done to people. One person told him they saw her take a freshman's lunch money just for looking at her.

"What are you waiting for? I need you to help me beat Ash! She's way too good at this," Red exasperates.

Ricky allows himself a small smile. "Give me one round of  3-stock 1v1 and I'll have her beat, easy."

Ashlyn raises her eyebrow. "That's cocky. Who's your main?"

"R.O.B.," Ricky answers, feeling more confident. "You?"

"Fox." Ashlyn crosses her arms.

"Oh yeah. Definitely one round," Ricky decides.

"You're going down, Bowen."

Red just laughs throughout the entire encounter, handing Ricky his controller.

Ashlyn will never admit it, but Ricky definitely won the first round against her. She put up a good fight, getting him down to one stock, but she lost nonetheless.

The first round has no affect on the rounds to follow, as Ashlyn then proceeded to kick his butt the rest of the night.

Ricky is starting to find himself really enjoying the company of Red and Ashlyn. He never thought he'd be messing around with the (debatably) most intimidating person at East High, but here he is.

"I should head home. It's getting pretty late, especially since it's a school night," Ashlyn explains, packing up her belongings. "I'll see you both at school?"

"Yeah, see you," Ricky smiles.

"Bye Ash." Red waves.

"Bye Loser." Ash hugs Red on her way out.

After Ashlyn leaves, Ricky and Red spend the rest of the night talking before they fall asleep around two in the morning.

Let's just hope one of them set and alarm...


redlyn is absolutely my favorite friendship to write in this story,, who's your fav duo?


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